Bubby Loves Danya & Andrew

Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2016

“I hosted a singles party, my friend convinced Andrew to come, and I cornered him in the kitchen! We went on one or two dates after that, but things fizzled out until I ran into him at a happy hour 6 months later and we rekindled things… forever!”

“It didn’t happen overnight! In fact, I almost blew it — he invited me over one night for the most amazing homemade sous vide chicken and I told him we should keep seeing other people (neither of us was, but I had gotten cold feet for some reason!). I woke up the next day and was like, “SHIT. What did I just do?!” I remember thinking how nice and thoughtful he was and how he didn’t play games — when he wanted to hang out, he’d just give me a call. He was so real and true to himself, and that felt special and worth exploring.

We had lots of tough conversations about how we’d want to live (he’s from California and I always thought I’d stay in NYC) and raise kids (I’m Jewish, he’s not) and even though we still have open questions, I realized at some point that he’s the guy I want to figure all of that out with and that’s really when I wanted him to be my partner-in-crime forever.”

“Be openminded! I had a picture in my head of the person I thought I’d marry and that wasn’t Andrew, but he’s an amazing person and husband and everything I didn’t know I wanted and needed. I might not have checked the boxes that would have made him show up in my Bubby or Tinder feed (neither existed when we met!), and that would have been such a loss. I don’t get people who have immovable height quotas or will only date people with degrees from certain colleges — marriage is for the long haul, and those things aren’t what matter the most. Prioritize the things that really matter to you (and that list can’t be 20 items long!) and then be flexible and curious about the rest.”

Danya is the founder of The Ish, a hand-picked list of Jew-ish things to do, eat, read, watch, listen to, give or get, and people to know. Subscribe! ❤



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Bubby is a modern matchmaker who brings together amazing Jew(ish) singles in amazing cities. http://bubby.love