Follow the tunnels of Amanchore Cave to Afikpo North

Deep in the heart of Eastern Nigeria lies the antique town of Afikpo North, the second largest town in Ebonyi State.

Grace Okogwu
6 min readMar 28, 2018


But the beauty of this sleepy town needs the rapt attention of a tourist to be fully appreciated.

First published on Amoré Nigeria.

Afikpo North is the anglicized translation of Ehugbo, the original name of the town. Afikpo North is a local government in Ebonyi State, eastern Nigeria and also the capital of Afikpo. Its major cities are Itim, Ohaisu, Nkpoghoro, Ugwuegu/Amaizu, Ozizza, Amasiri, Ibii/Akpoha and Unwana.

The town of Afikpo is considered by some as the Mecca of Eastern Nigeria. Retaining art works, art forms and even traditions dating back as early as 300 BC.

For a tourist looking to explore a hidden treasure, Afikpo is a sure destination to visit. From the warm reception of locals, fantastic recipes and an abundance of art to appreciate, the town and localities of Afikpo holds a lot of promise for tourists.

The Warm People of Afikpo

An average Afikpo local of generation X or early generation Y, is well-adapted to agricultural practices. The town is surrounded with farm lands with rich soils. Crops like rice, yam(grown mostly in the south), vegetables and certain fruits are grown by Afikpo locals.

A little bit of fishing is common in certain areas of the town, (such as Ndibe and Oziza areas) especially those close to rivers.

The common religions practiced by the locals are Christianity and Traditional worship.

Modernization is also felt in Afikpo as locals are educated at least on average to higher secondary level. This is because parents believe education offers an escape from poverty and brings respect and prestige to the family.

Protestant sects like Presbyterian, Anglican and Methodist churches are also very common in the town of Afikpo. Also the presence of Prostestants churches and even the Roman Catholic Church are very apparent in the community.

Extended family situations are also quite common in Afikpo. In the two generations before now, men were allowed and prided in marrying more than one wife, hence, making large families common.

The community believes in maintaining both traditional and modern laws and regualtions.

Afikpo Presents: Sites for Sores Eyes

In a way, Afikpo has managed to retain its’ ancient sacredness and beauty. Enchanting and cajoling to the eyes. Apart from being very hard working people, the people of Afikpo enjoy and take pride in art forms.

Visual arts, masquerade masks, body paintings and markings, dance and music and even in textile, over the years, these aspects of art have been important to the Afikpo people.

From closing observing Afikpo masquerades, a common feature is the incredible play on bright colours and body markings.

Testimonies of the beautiful dance steps of the famous Ukwu Umu Agboho is no secret among the Igbos of Eastern Nigeria.

The Secrets of Amanchore Cave

Amanchore Cave is about 3m in height. The uniqueness of this cave is that it has several tunnels that lead to various locations.

This cave located at Etiti Amanchore, Afikpo South holds a lot of secrets to it. It is also safe to believe locals took refuge in this very cave during the Nigerian Civil War. Where some tales say lizards were haunted and cooked for food.

You can see Cross Rivers from the shore of Ndibe Beache

Standing on the beautiful sands of Ndibe Beach, one can see a little of a Cross River village. Apart from enjoying a snack of roast fresh fish and beer, one can sunbath, swim and boldy take a boat ride to the neighbouring Cross River village.

Another remarkable beach is the Uwana Beach located in the Uwana district of Afikpo North.

The Irish-built Mater Misericordia Hospital School of Nursing and Midwifery

Mater Misericordia Hospital School of Nursing and Midwifery was one of the first nursing institutions built by the Irish. With the help of Dr. Akanu Ibiam, one of the first Igbo Medical doctors in Eastern Nigeria. Dr. Ibiam was also a former Governor of the Eastern Region.

You may be able to touch Heaven from The Rock Formations at Akpoha

The rock formations at Akpoha in Afikpo-North Local Government Area are one of the beautiful landscape figures in Nigeria.

Other Sites to ExploreThe Afikpo Art

Just like other traditional practices before colonization, Afikpo was also blessed with traditional art. From unique choices in dress patterns and colours, to cuisine the art of Afikpo proves to be sophisticated even for its time.

Masquerades, often associated to higher spirits, are mostly designed colourfully and with beautiful patterns.

The traditional dance of the Afikpo people like many Nigerian traditional dances involve a combination of rigorous steps and moves.

In ancient Afikpo and even up until a decade ago, it was considered inappropriate for the people of Afikpo to inter-marry. This is because they believe in the high cultural value of an Afikpo indigence.

Some cultural and traditional practices of the Afikpo people is sure to spark curiosity and reverence to a tourist. One of such practices is the Iko.

Iko loosely translates to ‘friend’. In an appointed time, an Afikpo maiden would pack a suitable luggage and go to spend 4 days with the family of her chosen Iko. At the end of her visit, her Iko would gift her with lots of interesting gifts. A gesture that would be repeated for the hosting Iko.

Another of such traditional practise is the reverence for an Afikpo male. An Afikpo male is full of pride in himself. He believes that, ‘Ikam na ngini?‘ A phrase that questions who is better than him.

How to plan a trip to Afikpo

How to plan

If you are planning to make a trip to Afikpo then you have made an excellent choice. The first thing to consider is where your take-off point is and it is important to research on the distance, the mode of transportation suitable for you and the duration it’d take you to arrive Afikpo.

How to dress

In addition to research, it is also important to consider the type of clothing to pack for the journey. Since you’re going to be exploring, it is important to pack appropriate exploring clothing. Also, for the most part of the year, the weather is warm in Afikpo and so, it is important to pack suitable light clothes.

What to eat

The delicacies available in Afikpo are mostly the generally eaten meals of Easterners in Nigeria. Meals like Eba, Pounded yam, Fufu, Rice, Yam, Beans and Plantain are common staples available. Soups like Oha, Egusi, Onugbo, and Nsala are also available. However, a common native delicacy, Ikpang, possibly influenced by the people of Cross Rivers is also available in Afikpo.

Where to stay

Surprisingly, Afikpo has a reasonable number of hotels and guest houses. It is also important to make hotel arrangement before-hand. I can guess that because Afikpo is a small town, hotel and guest house bills will be reasonable.

In my humble opinion too, it would save more cost to stay in the house of an Afikpo local (acquaintance, friend etc). The plus side to staying with a local, asides low cost, is that you’d land yourself a willing tour guide.

Afikpo waits

Afikpo waits on you. Come and explore. Follow the tunnels of Amanchore Cave to Afikpo and discover for yourself, the hidden beauty of a pearl.

