Ghostly Beard — “Invisible” | Album Review

leo melo
Bucket List Music UK
1 min readDec 1, 2017

For many years of my life, I was a drummer. Not a fantastic drummer, but good enough to share a few stages with small bands. However, I was never truly dedicated to music theory. Being a drummer I never thought the theory was that relevant. Most of what I would like to learn, I could learn by ear.

It was years later that the regret came. I even took piano lessons, but after a certain age, learning demands more time and dedication than I had time available for.

But there is still part of me that wishes I could go back. And these moments usually happen after listening what I consider inspiring music. And it could be virtually anything. And the main criteria I have for that is when I sense that an artist has dedicated his life to music. Learning and practicing for hours, are clearly visible (or “listenable”) in a recorded song.

All of this intro is to say that, Ghostly Beard has inspired me. His music, from start to finish, especially in his latest album release — “Invisible” — is brilliant — a gorgeous example of jazz and fusion.

Read the full review at Bucket List Music UK



leo melo
Bucket List Music UK

Photographer and Visual Designer based in London — here to share a little of my thoughts…