8 Questions I Get Asked as a Digital Nomad

How do you afford all this travel?

Kristi Jacobsen
Bucket List Nomad


Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

Last week I was chatting with a friend about my travels and she asked how I can afford all the traveling. Well, it was more a statement of “I don’t know how you afford all this travel,” but it was the same sentiment.

And after I explained a few different ways I make it happen, I started to think about all the other interactions I’ve had with people over the last year and a half who ask me about my digital nomad lifestyle. The questions I get from both friends and family, as well as locals I meet abroad, run the gamut from the ever-present question about finances to do I actually work while I’m away.

First, what is a digital nomad? I don’t typically get this question because I don’t often refer to myself as such with friends and family, but some people do wonder if there’s a title that comes along with what I do.

A digital nomad is a remote worker who travels the world. Some travel nonstop and don’t come home, ever. Others (like me) come home for a few weeks at a time and then jet off again for a few weeks or months. Some might travel locally and do only one or two big trips a year.

It’s a lifestyle I’ve grown to love and want to inspire others to love as well, which is why I compiled a list of the frequently…



Kristi Jacobsen
Bucket List Nomad

I write about podcasting, entrepreneurship, digital nomadism, and achieving long-term results.