Before I die

This is a bucket list, and subject to change at any time. I shall comment whenever I complete an item from the list.

Gareth Rees
1 min readSep 26, 2013

Visit the USA (anywhere, as I have never been)

Live/work abroad

Learn to code/design websites

Act in one of Shakespeare’s plays

Ride a Horse

Go on a Safari


Ride around a race-track

Create an app

Publish a book

Travel down the Nile

Be my own boss

Ride a motorbike across Europe

I had a far greater list than this in my mind when I started to write. Now, I seem to have drawn a blank. I will add to this list as I remember more.



Gareth Rees

Always up for a good debate or discussion. #Potterhead #JKRowling #Atheist #SaveWomensSports 💜🤍💚