Notifications Are the Great Nudge. So Master Them.

Brands walk a knife’s edge, potentially squandering user trust if the context for their notifications isn’t right.

Jeffrey MacIntyre
Bucket Studio
Nov 7, 2018


Getting the cadence right can be a real challenge. Do not take user trust lightly.

Here’s a simple framework for getting them solid.

Sometimes all you need is a few buckets — you know, working categories named for observed patterns — to begin making sense of a broader thing.

In the domain of personalization, I’ve lately found it helpful to look at notifications in this way: as raw or cooked.

(Bucket Brigade is hosting the full version of this article. Read on there!)

Credit: Reddit.
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Jeffrey MacIntyre
Bucket Studio

🎯 Connected experience obsessive. Consultant in strategy and design for personalization ( + content-focused connected experiences.