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Sharing Chicago?

Chicago at its best…

3 min readNov 19, 2013


Sometimes when I hear what some cities have to offer, I cringe when “Chicago” comes up. We didn’t bred awesome companies like Apple, or have DisneyLand to visit during the weekends, but it’s the little things that ultimately counts right?

Well, imagine if you woke up in Chicago..hopefully you rolled out of a king bed in one of the suites of Radisson Aqua Hotel. The structure of this skyscraper is beyond exquisite, it’s visually stunning to anyone’s eye.

There’s nothing better to start out by feeding that borborygmus tummy of yours. I don’t know about you, but I like a cup of richly roasted coffee with a turnover. You can grab a seat at Intelligentsia Coffee. There are quite a few in the vicinity of Chicago, but the one located in Randolph seems to be a bit packed and busy, I’d skip this one.

I could tell you to buy a CityPass, but I don’t think it’s worth the $89, so just buy a ticket to Willis, I mean Sears, Tower..entry to SkyDeck. Don’t lie, we all like the nostalgic feeling of looking down and admiring how people look like ants and taxis look like little yellow hotwheels.

If you are deemed the spontaneous type, and hopefully have a partner that can keep up with you, buy a CTA 1-Day unlimited pass. We have a train..subway..yeah that rolling carts on tracks thing, based smack dab in the middle of the city called the “L.” I highly recommend getting on the red line, picking a stop, somewhere between Chicago and Roosevelt stop, that seem to fancy you, and get off. We’re saturated with all kinds of stores and shops you won’t be disappointed at the location you get off at. Yes, this is my shopping tactic, I tend to forget which store is located where,but I know I get back on the train with a bag in hand.

But let’s say you’re not that spontaneous type..well then traveling shouldn’t be your thing in the first place, just kidding. Anyways, if you want a more relaxing kind of evening, hopefully you don’t get seasick..Try cruising down the Chicago River in one of those big boats. It’s one way to enjoy a stressful day, especially when I finish with school. A tip from me, stride down during sunset hours. The sun rays start to peek through the skyscrapers illuminating the buildings, making it a evening-to-remember view.

“What’s for dinner, honey?” How about a restaurant located in River North. River North is located…well…north of the river which you probably just ended up cruising down along. During the weekends, this area lights up with exciting clubs, but regular weekday evenings is a somewhat busy avenue full of varieties of cuisine. If you knew me personally, you’d find my mouth full of thick…saucy…and juicy slice of pizza by Lou Malnati. This is Chicago! we’re known for deep dish pizza and you’re sure to find Lou here.

I hope you know what the Millennium Bean is because we’re known for that. Of course it’s that huge mirroring Bean. My favorite spot is right under it where it psychedelically distorts me. I usually like this spot at night because the buildings in front of the bean shines down on it. Plus it’s not as crowded during daylight. The park trail here leads straight to the lake. I often find myself following the trail, if I have the energy for it, I follow all the way up to Navy Pier.

We have so many museums, and I lived here for 15 years and still haven’t visited all of them. Then again, I don’t think I have time to visit them all. One museum I visit often is Adler’s Planetarium. Especially Adler After Dark. I love stargazing and Adler picks quite a few nights for visitors to stay, enjoy cocktail and watch stars gleaming after hours. You also get a great glimpse of the skyline and the lake, it’s one hell of a way to end a day.

