10 Reasons Why Introverts Are The Perfect Remote Workers

Gráinne Logue
Buckets Blog
Published in
4 min readJun 20, 2016

Remote work is the holy grail for introverts. Think about it; no more awkward conversations at the coffee machine, no-one popping in and out of your office every 5 minutes, and the peace and quiet to work alone whenever you choose to do so. It’s a pretty sweet deal if that’s how you roll.

By definition, introverts are energized by time spent alone rather than in a social environment. That doesn’t mean that they can’t be social, some of the most interesting people I know are introverts, but it simply means that they don’t want to socialize all of the time.

Of course, extroverts can be awesome remote workers too. But when it comes to working alone, introverts have a pretty good thing going on. Here are 10 reasons why.

1. They work better alone

Introverts don’t need a daily dose of office banter to get motivated. In fact, it can actually become exhausting for them at times. A remote work setting is the perfect environment for this type of worker as it allows them the space to work autonomously and use their energy on their actual work, rather than on expending it in a chaotic office.

2. They think before they react

This is pretty important when working within a remote setting. Whether you’re dealing with clients or other members of your team; the last thing you should do is fire off an email when you’re annoyed or frustrated. Thankfully, this is something that introverts rarely do. They tend to think first and react appropriately afterward.

3. They prefer to work on one task at a time

This is something [single tasking] that we advocate for everyone — not just introverts — but it’s actually a common trait amongst people with introverted tendencies. Using systems like Buckets to collaborate with their colleagues and keep track of their task lists and projects, introverts can focus on one task at a time in an uninterrupted remote work environment.

4. They thrive within focused conversations

Introverts are great at problem-solving and they thrive within purpose driven meetings and conversations. On the other hand, meetings without a clear agenda will frustrate an introverted remote worker immensely!

5. They’re thoughtful, empathetic, and good listeners

These introvert qualities mean that they naturally excel at building relationships — especially within a remote setting where awkward social situations don’t really occur, i.e. being put on the spot when they haven’t had their coffee yet! Introverts take the time to listen to the concerns of their colleagues/management and this kind of active listening can be essential when it comes to identifying any potential issues before they escalate.

6. They’re more creative in a quiet environment

Introverts generally don’t get overly excited in the workplace; they tend to focus most of their energy on getting their work done and can be perceived as shy as a result — but that’s not always the case. The reality is that they simply get more (and better) work done when they can minimize distractions. Research has actually shown that it can take up to 25 minutes to get back on track with your work after you’ve been interrupted, so imagine what that does to an introvert’s to-do list! It’s pretty hard to get ‘in the zone’ when you’re being interrupted every half hour.

7. They prefer scheduled meetings

Introverts aren’t fans of impromptu meetings — and if you’ve ever worked in an office, you know just how many of those there can be. However, when people work remotely, they can schedule meetings in advance — whether it’s via Skype or chat — and this makes it much easier for the internet worker to organize their day.

8. They’re observant

Introverts tend to be very observant and it’s likely that they’ll have a different viewpoint on a work project every now and then, or pick up on something that no-one else has noticed. This is because they really let things sink in and think them over before offering an opinion, rather than throwing out ideas on the spot. They’ll also ask important and targeted questions when it comes to work tasks, rather than just asking ‘for the sake of asking’.

9. They’re detail oriented

Introverts tend to focus on the little things, they don’t tend to let anything slide, and are pretty meticulous about accomplishing their tasks, which is pretty important in a remote setting. Whilst extroverts will often come up with the big picture ideas, introverts are often behind the actual execution of those ideas.

10. They prefer to work with people individually rather than in groups

Introverts favor one-to-one interactions over large group meetings and remote working tools such as Slack facilitate this perfectly.

But what about extroverts?

If you’re an extroverted remote worker, don’t panic — you’re just as suitable for the gig — you simply bring different qualities to the role. Keep an eye on the blog for our upcoming post on how extroverts can stay sane in a remote work setting, where we’ll talk about how extroverts can excel as remote workers too!

Thanks For Reading!

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Gráinne Logue
Buckets Blog

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