Green and Beer and Irish

Kay McKinley
Published in
1 min readMar 17, 2017

Sometime in the 5th Century, a guy named Patrick brought Christianity to a small island named Ireland. While bringing the Word of God to the heathens (aka the people just living their lives and attempting to to feed their families) he managed to drive ALL of the snakes from that rocky island. In his honor, Irish people all over the world turn rivers green, wear shamrocks on necklaces, and get drunk to celebrate that miracle. Here are some toasts to make while you’re drinking your weight in whiskey and green beer this weekend:

May your house be warm,
May your beer be cold,
May your heart be full,
and your friends be near.

Or maybe this one:

To a long and happy life,
with a warm hearth,
and a warmer bed.

And when the drinking is over, sing along with a good Irish parting tune:

Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day.

Just don’t go looking for four leaf clovers.

