Tootle makes to top ten at Slush GIA Impact Showcasing.

Prawesh Shrestha
Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2017

After 36 pitches down yesterday, it was a proud moment for us when they announced Tootle was in top 10 for next round of Slush 2017 GIA Impact Showcasing in Finland.

The winners of Slush GIA 2017 Pitching Competition: Doko Recycler (Kushal Harjani); Muskan Bringing back the smile (Anisha Shakya); and Tootle (Sixit Bhatta) arrived in Finland to take part in Slush 2017 GIA and Slush 2017. For the first two days, they participated in intense workshops to hone their business skills, soft skills and more. The workshops also provided them a platform to connect with other startups.

During one of the workshops

On the third day, they pitched along with 33 other startups. Each of them had prepared well and pitched like rock-stars. Each of them only had 3 minutes to impress the three judges.

From right: Kushal Harjani, Anisha Shakya and Sixit Bhatta on action

After the pitching session, the judges took a long time to discuss and select the finalists. A bit later, the judges appeared and announced the 10 finalists including Tootle. Sixit Bhatta will be pitching tomorrow at Slush on December 1. It has been difficult to get information on what rewards will the winner of this pitching session receive tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

