Published in
6 min readJun 5, 2018

FAQ Post Token Sale:

I have not yet received my Tokens?

Have you already submitted your MEW wallet address (ERC-20 compatible wallet) into the Budbo Portal under your account settings? If so then please email Blake@Budbo.com & Jacob@budbo.io and they will double check to ensure you receive your tokens properly.

How do I create HitBTC account or transfer tokens into my HitBTC account?

1. To create an account on www.hitbtc.com

2. Verify Email

3. Login

4. In top right corner click deposit

5. Type in Bubo in form. Select BUBO Budbo Token

6. Create deposit address

7. Send tokens from your MEW wallet to your deposit receiving address. You must have ETH in your MEW wallet to send out Budbo tokens as it requires gas to send out.

How do I add tokens to my MEW Wallet?


Any questions about our listing on HitBTC, the value of the coin, exchanges, etc?

Our team has an elaborate exchange listing/marketing strategy but our executive teams focus is 100% on development of our blockchain, version 2 of the application, growing of the business. Token contributors, contributing to the long-term of our project because the token is a true utility. Once development is done with the project, we are confident all of our token holders will be satisfied.

Can Budbo tokens on the main website be transferred to HiBtc directly?

Yes just put in HitBTC wallet address into the portal where the MEW wallet address would go under your account settings and we can transfer tokens directly to HitBTC.

Can I receive coins if I created myetherwallet today?

Yes. Need to put your MEW wallet address into the portal under account settings and we will distribute tokens. We distribute tokens every Wednesday.

How is Budbo different than PotCoin and other Cannabis Coins:

Other Cannabis coins are Cryptocurrencies. The Budbo token is a true utility token focused on data aggregation and data management in the cannabis industry and being used as an open API key to access data on the global cannabis blockchain. API key will be used to send and receive global cannabis data and insight into the processes in all sectors of the cannabis industry. Our global cannabis blockchain solution will help aid in transparency, compliance, and regulation for local and federal governments, helping push forward the legalization movement.

If I don’t move tokens from Budbo website to myetherwaller will they become unavailable?

Yes, we need to burn all of the tokens that were unsold and users need to collect their tokens as soon as possible so we can burn the rest of the tokens.

I forgot to make a note about my Budbo tokens, so I did not receive them. What should I do?

Just go online and add your MEW wallet or HitBTC wallet into your account setting in the Budbo Portal. We send out a mass distribution weekly.

What is This? | What is Budbo? | How does this work?

This is a token sale to fund the build of the Budbo Blockchain.

Budbo, Inc., is creating a Global Cannabis Blockchain built to drive efficiency, transparency, and data-driven analytics into this nascent industry. Budbo will be the first-of-its-kind, fully integrated blockchain based solution that serves as the backbone for cannabis legalization, medical research, and the cannabis ecosystem as a whole. Utilizing our GPS technology to track cannabis movements from seed to sale, the blockchain allows us as a company and industry to track the entire journey from grower to consumer. Collecting a network of verified and immutable data available to the public will also standardize and regulate interactions between cannabis users, dispensaries, medical research facilities, and state & federal governments.

The data stored on our blockchain will be invaluable to every industry sector pushing data to it. From seed to sale tracking, lab testing, medical research facilities, logistics, and consumer reviews — the Budbo blockchain will be the data nerve center for the entire industry. We are opening this blockchain up to all ancillary services of the global cannabis community and network. The possibilities with this global cannabis data are endless, particularly with algorithms written to compare different datasets. The token — being a true utility token — will act as the API key to send and receive global cannabis data and valuable insight into the processes in all corners of the cannabis industry. Our global cannabis blockchain will aid in transparency, compliance, and regulation for local and federal governments, helping push forward the legalization movement.

Can you mine it?

No, BUBO tokens are not mineable currency.

What happens to unsold tokens?

The tokens will be taken out of distribution and burned.

What Exchanges will you be listed on?

We have already finalized with Cryptopia but holding off on listing until we are closer to the release date of the app and blockchain. We do have a marketing and exchange strategy in place, we plan on listing on 4–5 other T1 and T2 exchanges over the next 6–12 months. However, we have no plans on listing the token anywhere else until the product is developed.

What's the 1-year roadmap for Budbo and 5-year roadmap?

Our 1-year roadmap is hyper-focused on getting everything development and execute our go to market strategy just as we said we would do during the crowd sale. Releasing a new site focused on our Blockchain technology and not the crowd sale, releasing version 2 of the app, developing our own blockchain technology that any ancillary service can build on top and can integrate their own tools and software into our technology.

Price at ICO?

We are not an ICO. We are a token sale. Please NEVER refer to us as an ICO. Contributors that purchased tokens contributed to the project of building out the global blockchain solution. We are a true utility token that is used as an open API key.

Other potential partnerships dealing with the medical cannabis market?

We recently just announced our partnership with Cannliv. We are far along in discussions with several key stakeholders in government, health & wellness, and the medical research field. Once official we will announce those partnerships. Medical cannabis market (industrial Hemp & CBD) is a sector that we will be in the forefront of supporting. Our Blockchain technology will be used for lab testing and medical research.

Why coinmarketcap doesn't show the capitalization and circulating supply?

Not concerned with coin market cap or how the tokens are trading on any of the exchanges. We are hyper-focused on building out the technology and running a business. Budbo has no influence in the value of the token as it’s not a security and it’s sole use as a utility token is to store and retrieve data from the global access blockchain.

Do you want us to be nonreactive and neutral when someone is telling people to sell now?

Be non-reactive (between us we have hired several 3rd party market makers to do that for us)

We need as much information on BUDBO 2.0 Launch date etc.

We plan on releasing updates and screenshots but the community must respect that we don’t want any information releasing to our competitors. We are very confident our app will be different and will change the game. The app is a first product approach. We’ve found that many of our users tend to search for a product rather than pharmacies where they buy the product. While other apps are good at figuring out where to buy, we do not feel they offer a good solution for finding a product. That’s one of the many ways we can differentiate our app. Remember that our prototype that was just supposed to be released in CO in a test market environment was picked up by Herb.co and rated the number one Cannabis app on the market. That did more harm than good for our company. This time we are keeping it very close to the chest until the release date.

Tell us More about V2 of the

“The app is a first product approach. We’ve found that many of our users tend to search for a product rather than pharmacies where they buy the product. While other apps are good at figuring out where to buy, we do not feel they offer a good solution for finding a product. That’s one of the many ways we can differentiate our app. “



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A Comprehensive Global Blockchain Solution For The Cannabis Industry