The Medical Potential of Marijuana: How Informed are We

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2 min readJan 16, 2018

The legalization of medical marijuana holds its roots back to the 1980s and early 1990s, during the worst days of US AIDS epidemic. The disease was no better than a death sentence, and the victims took solace in marijuana. A gay Vietnam veteran named Dennis Peron ran an illegal dispensary out of San Francisco’s Castro District to supply cannabis to these stricken young men. Peron went on to co-write Proposition 215, which California passed in 1996, becoming the first state to allow medical marijuana — med for short.

The concept of med in the medicinal space has always been a topic of discussion. But considering extremely sick people resorting to it for a better quality of life instead of conventional medicines, medicinal marijuana doesn’t seem silly after all. Thirty US states and numerous countries have legalized med on the basis of anecdotal evidence that it can help.

Amongst scores of chemicals in cannabis, the most known are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which gets people high, and cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound particularly associated with medical benefits. Beyond this point, little is known about its medicinal capabilities and limitations, at least in comparison to regular drugs available in pharmacies.

That’s majorly because the plant is illegal for consumption in much of the world. Consequently, the data available for research in negligible.

BudBo, a supply chain management platform for the global cannabis industry, is set to revolutionize and expedite the currently stagnant scenario of medical marijuana with readily available data and statistics.

Currently, BudBo has a Tinder-like mobile app which allows the users to specify their requirements that a particular cannabis strain addresses. These requirements may vary from mental maladies such as insomnia, depression, anxiety, and others to physical ailments like muscular pain among others.

BudBo is in the middle of an ongoing pre token sale to build a blockchain based supply chain management platform for the global cannabis industry. This new platform will efficiently track the seed to sale logistics of cannabis strains based on which it will provide highly detailed yet intelligible analytics for each category of users, including growers, delivery parties, dispensaries, consumers, and most importantly doctors and biotech engineers involved in medicinal research.

Budbo’s blockchain based platform will also integrate with their existing mobile app from where it will fetch user preferences specific to each strain. These preferences more importantly include ailments that each strain is capable of curing, or rather relieving the consumer of. This will further add to the analytical reports to make for significant information needed in effective research of medicinal properties of marijuana.

Considering BudBo’s fast-moving pace towards their objective, it won’t be wrong to say that 2018 can mark the change in the long-standing lack of knowledge in the medical marijuana space.



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