Give Up on Yourself!

Jacqui Dillon
Published in
2 min readMar 31, 2018

WHAT IF I TOLD YOU BY LETTING GO OF YOURSELF YOU’D SUFFER LESS? It seems paradoxical but its true! Holding onto people, places and fixed versions of your life deliver suffering. Suffering sucks — its exhausting. Suffering silences the sound of your laughter and hands you a dull ache in the pit of your stomach, robbing you of passion, creativity — and at its absolute worst — perhaps your life!

So what constitutes suffering? Believe it or not — there are 3 main experiences of suffering (could have sworn there were more!):

  1. ‘Ordinary suffering’ — that is, just everyday sh*tty unhappiness
  2. ‘Change driven suffering — that space we find ourselves in when everything changes within ourselves challenging our feeling of stability (we often call this feeling very ‘wobbly’)
  3. ‘Stuck states’ — when we find ourselves clinging on for dear life to a “someone” (either or version of ‘me’ or our version of someone else!) or a “something” and are fixated on keeping this story going at all costs!

Which one are you currently hooked into?

Instead of taking the path of least resistance — we fight and we struggle against these experiences — we attempt to escape from pain or discomfort. We escape into drugs, alcohol, or another person — we fight to hold onto our version of what we call ‘reality’, and who we think we are! We work our ar*ses off telling all and sundry that “I am this, or that”…worse, we tell others “you should be this, or “you should do that”. We attempt to create a sense of security and control over our lives.




GIVE UP ON YOUR SELF! Say goodbye to attempting to control those annoying, sh*t things (people, places, events) outside of yourself and fooling yourself that you are “being done too!” AND instead find the courage to look inward at the myriad of ways your mind is creating reality. So come on — whats stopping you… let down your guard, stop buying your own bullsh*t and GET REAL!



Jacqui Dillon

Pathways to re-building, re-connecting & discovering what matters.