How Do You Know is Time to END the Friendship — 5 signs

Marisa González
Buddoop Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2020

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Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Finding a good friend that you can relate to, count on and have fun laughs with is a gift! When you find a friend like this you always hope they’ll stay forever in your life. Sometimes, it might not be the case and the story or amount of years behind your friendship might not be enough to hold it.

So, when it’s time to let go?

As painful as it is. Letting go of people that don’t bring joy to your life is something that you must do for yourself. After all, a relationship with yourself will always be the most intimate and longest you’ll ever have.

Here are 6 signs that might indicate it’s time to let your friend go:

1. You’re questioning your friendship

Let’s imagine you told something that is really exciting for you to your friends and they showed little interest or enthusiasm. In fact, they criticized your achievement in such a way that made you question “Are they happy for me?”. If you come to a point where you need to ask yourself that… well, they are not.

Another thing that might make you question your friendship is the feeling that you don’t have things in common to share or talk about. If it feels forceful, let it go…

People change as they grow, and so do their interests.

2. You keep things from them

When you don’t tell things to someone close to you, it’s because you don’t trust them with the information.

Maybe you really need to talk about an emotional topic, and you feel they won’t be empathetic with it. Or maybe you met someone in a romantic way, but you feel awkward by telling them and rather gossip about it with someone else.

3. You’re following different paths

The thing about growing is that you’ll change your mind about your goals. Once you start to get to know yourself better, you’ll know what to prioritise for the sake of your happiness.

It’s hard to stay in a friendship where you want different things. One of you would sacrifice for the other and feel incomplete. In the end, you’ll eventually start to resent them for making you give up on your dreams.

4. You identify with other friends

You might have expanded your social circle and noticed how easier it is to have a friendship with them instead. You feel comfortable talking with them about personal topics, you ask them for advice, make plans with them quite often and feel understood around them.

This doesn’t mean that you don’t care about your old friend or that they don’t care about you. It means that you belong in the new group…

It’s hard. It will make you feel guilty, but it’s a strong indication of where you belong.

5. You are the only one in the relationship

A relationship is made out of two people. Not less. Not more. Two.

If you feel you are the only one trying and putting the effort to meet, have conversations or work on your issues, well… it’s not a relationship.

Maybe your friend also feels the same things you are feeling. You both sense you are not in the same wavelength anymore, but for the sake of preserving your story and all the time you’ve been carrying it, you hold it.

We hope these five signs help you realise what friends you need to let go in your life. In the end, it will be beneficial for both of you as they’ll also look for others they can resonate with.

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Marisa González
Buddoop Blog

Alongside my brother, I co-founded Buddoop — the social platform that helps you make new friends based on your interests. Most of my publications are about it.