The 3 Hobbies You Need for a Fulfilling Life

Marisa González
Buddoop Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2020
Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Finding a hobby is really important to make you feel that you make better use of your leisure time and to make you feel more grateful for the life you were given.

By having a hobby you will not only be learning a new skill, but you’ll be becoming an expert at it!

Why is having a hobby so important?

  • By having a hobby you become even more amazing! This will make you more interesting in other’s people eyes and they would be thrilled into getting to know you better. Plus, you might get stronger bonds with those you meet as you might share the same hobby and be able to talk about it or even practice it together.
  • When you’re practising your hobby, is the time you get to relax and get rid of the stress you accumulated during the day or even during the week.
  • You become more obedient as you try to make your hobby a routine. Being consistent is a crucial skill to start new habits or to break toxic ones. You can transfer your consistency to other areas of your life and you’ll notice how much free time you’ll have in your hands and how better you’ll perform your tasks.
  • When you have a hobby, you become more confident. Why? Well, you are becoming better and better at something. The feeling of accomplishment is really self-satisfactory and makes you crave for more! It makes you feel that you can do anything you put yourself into.
  • You look at the world differently. For example, if your hobby is photography, you’ll be picturing in your mind breathtaking compositions you could create in that environment. You might also be thinking about the light editing you would be doing to such pictures.
  • You’ll be setting a personal challenge to yourself. Challenges make your life more fun!

The 3 hobbies you need for a fulfilling life

  1. A creative hobby: when you’re being creative, you’re stimulating both sides of your brain. Remember, you need to train your brain too, so creativity is a sort of exercising for it. With a creative hobby, you’ll become more patient as you’ll need to concentrate more on a task. Plus, it will develop your creative thinking and problem-solving skills.
  2. An active hobby: by keeping your body active you’ll help it prevent diseases ad you become stronger! You’ll boost your health and energy and you’ll feel happier and powerful!
  3. A hobby you can monetize: if you’re good at something, monetize it! Having some extra money will help with your savings. Remember, you don’t only save for the bad, you save for the good as well! You can make investments, go on holidays or start personal projects that you’ve been thinking of for a while.

It’s never too late to start a hobby. If you’re unsure of what you’d like to start doing, the easy trick is to start something new!

You’ll be able to find new hobbies at Buddoop. There are plenty of people out there that are looking for buddies for their fun activities. Have a look and see how much fun life can be!

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Marisa González
Buddoop Blog

Alongside my brother, I co-founded Buddoop — the social platform that helps you make new friends based on your interests. Most of my publications are about it.