Nnenna Eze
Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2021

A conducive learning environment is no doubt crucial for effective learning and education in general but beyond this, the teachers in this sector deserve the same conducive environment and investments which must be evident in their workstations. Undoubtedly, the quality of teaching and the outcomes of the same largely depend on the convenience, comforts, and capacities of the teachers. It is on this note that New Initiative for Social Development (NISD) chose to monitor the construction of the Area Education Office (AEO), a UBEC-SUBEB 2017 Intervention Project in Ilawe Ekiti, in Ekiti South West LGA.

Front view of the newly constructed Area Education Office Ilawe Ekiti

The project which costs N15, 775,151 became imperative due to its significance to educational management in the LGA. Prior to the award of the contract, the Area Education Office had been in a deplorable state and a communal response was the last option to get the attention of the relevant authorities. Narrating his experience, Chief Ojo, a community chief said the ugly incident has a huge negative effect on the quality of teaching in Ilawe Ekiti State. He added that the problem persists despite series of efforts to address it.

Inside view of the constructed Area Education Office Ilawe Ekiti

Two worrying quarters otherwise known as communities within the town and with purported independent leadership are at loggerhead. Okebedo quarters which hosts the old AEO’s office continue to disrupt the movement of same to Oke Eno citing historical ownership, economic, social, and ownership significance as the basis for its argument. Interestingly, various attempts have been made to move personnel from the AEO to the new office and none have been successful.

In March 2021, NISD with the support of The Public and Private Development Center (PPDC) revisited Ilawe Ekiti and organized a community dialogue session in the town with participants drawn from the two quarters and from the central traditional council to find a communal solution to what appears to be a seemingly lingering but manageable problem.

From the feedback, the meeting seems to be providing the envisaged results as the Alawe of Ilawe Ekiti haven been briefed, after the meeting, a reconciliation committee was set up to look into and suggest a mutually acceptable solution to solving the problem. furthermore, the state government under the present commissioner of education is setting up a special committee whose mandate includes but not limited to educational projects maximization and to also entrench the spirit of community ownership of projects. Definitely, the AEO’s office seat tops on the list and we are confident once addressed and put to use, the AEO project will strengthen the quality of education in Ilawe Ekiti and by extension Ekiti State

Written by:

Ogunlade Olamide Martins

Project Monitor New Initiative for Social Development



Nnenna Eze
Writer for

Innovative free spirited thinker with a passion for global positive change.