Importance of Pattern in Interior Design

Subhas Singh
Budget Interior Design Ideas 2020
3 min readJul 6, 2020

A pattern is one of the integral elements in the world of interior design. If you have understood the concept and significance of decorating your home with patterns, you have unlocked a new stage in interior design. There is a science behind pattern as it tends to create illusions through the horizontal and verticals lines. This cast an impression of taller and broader looking spaces.

Even seasoned interior designers take time to comprehend the patterns and then introduce them in a room. These designers have worked on several projects of interiors in Delhi and help their clients to make the most out of their space.

Important aspects of pattern in interior design:

Pattern adds drama: Have you ever heard of a daily soap without any drama? Though we wish to avoid drama in our life without a little show, everything around us will turn boring and dull. Your home interiors also follow the same concept; when there is no drama and a sense of dynamism, your space will risk into being boring and forgettable.

Through pattern, you can inject drama into your space, which can be exciting and add a wow-factor in your home. Thus, you need to have a fair idea regarding patterns, or else it can spoil your interiors’ taste. If you use it correctly, that it can be the celebrity of your home interior.

Patterns play with texture: Pattern can be used in accord with other design elements like texture to emphasise your room’s aspects. A pattern in combination with varied textured surfaces can project differently.

Some patterns will pop out remarkably with texture, so you need to check how you are working on the combination scheme of the two. Overall, this can bring the elements in co-ordination and paint a cohesive theme of a room.

Pattern establishes energy: Pattern helps to establish lively energy in the interiors. A chunk of pattern seems to be insignificant but when it covers a big space, it is spread all over. There is a sense of movement you can notice in the pattern, and this exhibits a beautiful feature. Especially when an area lacks spirit try to introduce pattern in the space to make it look more invigorating.

Pattern gives direction and dimension: Pattern reflects a depth in the space and grabs the attention of your eyes. A pattern has the ability to add the effect of a three-dimension in a two-dimensional room.

People often feel that pattern tends to create a distraction, but most importantly, it goes to work with the illustrative perception. The pattern gives gravity to a surface, convey a design style and incorporates a visual interest in the space.

Pattern can be mixed not matched: The concept of pattern is a bit tricky to understand, but if you absorb it, you can easily play with it in the home interiors. Patterns are repeated in a particular space but are these are never matched.

For example, you can follow a particular pattern for your flooring's and another pattern for your walls. There must be a fair play of mixing the patterns in a room so that it renders a fascinating vibe.

Patterns are quite an eccentric part of interior designing, which requires an intense approach. It is better to discuss the ideas with the best interior design company in Delhi ( ) and get the work done.

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