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Gerardo Landaverde
Mística y Espiritualidad
1 min readJun 30, 2016

The disciple asks to his teacher:

What should I do ?, teacher I have fear of what can happen to me.

Then, the teacher replied:

«There was once a very wise man who was crossing the mountains on a long journey. Upon reaching the top of a mountain, he approached too close to a cliff and slid. However, before falling to complete empty, he reached out a branch of a bush, which was quite thin and could not hold long. In the branch there were some very fresh fruit; The man took the fruit and ate. Its taste was delicious.»

Then the disciple understood why his teacher told him this story. We do not have to worry about our future if it prevents us from seeing the good we have at present. We do not know what will happen and our concern would not change in any way what will happen.

