Fun facts and jokes only gamers will understand

Community BUFF
Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2018


Gaming isn’t just a way to fill the time, it’s a culture. How do we know that? Because we have our very own jokes that non-gamers just wouldn’t get.

Stealth: you’re doing it wrong

Why choose to stealthily kill your enemies when you can come out in a blaze of fire and win? Part of the reason we play games is to do the stuff that would be impossible in real life. We want to be badasses. That’s why stealth games are very loose with their enforcement of stealth tactics.

The inevitable result is that taking on 50 enemies on your own is often easier and more fun than playing an entire level stealthily.

Beware the good gamers

We’ve all been a noob at one time or another. In fact, you’re probably still a noob in a game you’re working to master. That experience has taught you well to stay away from non-noobs who could rip your avatar to shreds just for being easy prey. Get to the choppa!

Nagging noobs

Speaking of noobs, they only get annoying once you aren’t one yourself. Especially when they come asking you for advice, you’re more than justified in flaunting your experience a bit. You earned it.

I’m a cat!

Well, most games won’t give you 9 lives, but three is common, or you can even respawn an infinite amount of times like Kenny from South Park. Maybe losing these lives isn’t quite as permanent as in real life, but you still treat them the same.

Close to actual death?

You’ve used up all of your lives! Or… well… almost all of your lives. Wait, no, this is definitely your last life. Or is it? Best not test it.

Gaming scholars

Where many of us struggle to focus on school, games will motivate us to learn more about a topic that we ever thought we might. How can your high school history teacher match Ezio Auditore as an educator?

Just pause it!

Pause isn’t always a choice. Online multiplayer games are unpausable. When will your parents finally get it?

I’ll definitely be covered by this amazing ar… oh

Game logic often doesn’t square with real-world logic. Nowhere is that more obvious that female armor. Start out the game adequately covered. Then slowly remove clothing while becoming more and more resistant to damage. Hmmm…. Could the game be trying to reinforce another kind of reward system for players?

Here is a cool fact: We have the best gamers community on Discord! join us!

