Product Update 16.10.2018

Community BUFF
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2018

Hi BUFFers,

Some updates on our progress, thoughts, and roadmap:

We are thrilled to have such an involved community participating in the conversations across our various social channels!

For the gamers among you, we have an active discord channel. It’s buzzing with gaming-related conversations and important discussions about BUFF’s products. We are getting a lot of feedback and suggestion, and it’s all extremely helpful for us.

In this update, we wanted to share some insights about what’s under the hood of the system.

One of our discord members (Francisco#8212) asked a question this week that we wanted to share with the rest of you. The question was about the current BUFF allocation logic and implementation in the MVP — basically, how we calculate the number of BUFF coins to be rewarded for each game played.

This is an important question. The allocation model is obviously one of the key components of BUFF. At the moment, the MVP has a very basic allocation calculation and the formula is available for review on GitHub code. But rest assured, this is only the first stage of development for this important component. Our aim is to build a fair reward allocation model, which will take many factors into account. We have described it best in part of our whitepaper. I don’t want to get too technical here, but in general, the allocation will be based on the activity and performance of the gameplay (with a few additional factors), so the more and the better someone plays a game will earn him more BUFF’s. Building this type of model is complicated. We have started to plan and work on it but it will take some time. We will let you all know as soon as a new version with “smarter” logic is implemented.

Keeping in mind that we are rewarding gamers based only on their gameplay, the next questions some of you have had are about fraud, abuse and how we are going to prevent and fight it. This is another super important issue to discuss. We promise to update you all soon, so stay tuned :)

In the meantime, I encourage you to join our active social platforms. If you are a gamer, join our discord channel! If you haven’t registered for our MVP waiting list, please do so via our discord MVP channel. We are adding more and more users to try it out all the time, so secure your spot today!

Thanks, BUFF team

Don’t forget to Join us on DISCORD!

