Product Update 29.10.18

Community BUFF
Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2018


Hi BUFFers!

MVP progress, community growth, and a few more product updates:

We are beginning to release product versions and we hope to get one out every 2 weeks from now on. It’s important for us to stay in touch with you, our community, while we work on product features and fixing bugs. For those of you that want to be more involved in development, we want to give you the opportunity to do so. We hope to move in that direction by introducing more transparency to our development progress and opening new communication channels with our dev team (like adding a Slack channel with our Dev+community). We are super encouraged by our members’ engagement with BUFF and we will do whatever we can to improve and increase it. After all, we couldn’t do any of what we’re doing without you.

As our product progresses, we are also focused on increasing the number of members that are enjoying and testing our MVP app during the alpha testing period. As we continue to test and develop BUFF, the reward mechanism is still incomplete, so the rewards visible on the BUFF app are just “dummy” tokens. To keep you all motivated, we announced a cool reward plan to our MVP users today: the more engaged and more active you are in our app, the more rewards you will earn — read more about it here.

We encourage you to invite your friends. Let them have the opportunity to join the early members of BUFF. The more users we will be able to attract, the faster our progress will be. We will make sure to keep you all engaged and updated on how things develop and let you know how you’re helping us make our vision a reality.

By the end of the year, our aim is to add more games. We made a survey some time ago of which games to add. As more members have been joining our community, we will run another survey in a few weeks time and you will have a chance to decide on the coming games that will be added to the BUFF app. CS: GO, Overwatch, Fortnite, BlackOps and more will be on the voting list. We will pick the top winners on our survey and add them.

More cool things are coming so stay tuned.

Yours, The BUFF team

Don’t forget to Join us on DISCORD!

