Do you know this man?

Sam Golden
Inside BuffaloGrid
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2018

Welcome to Inside BuffaloGrid, a blog about the people behind our mission to connect the next billion.

You’re probably wondering who this chap is, and what he’s doing he’s doing a blog about our company culture.

Well, your curiosity is commendable. In fact it’s one of the things we look for in people interested in joining our team.

Perhaps you know who he is? That’s great too. We find obscure knowledge and a wider understanding of the world pretty alluring as well.

Come on, cut to the chase

Ok, this is Eadweard Muybridge, an English photographer born in April 1830. He was also a pioneer and an inventor. So if you already know what we do, you might start seeing a few similarities*.

Muybridge invented a device called the zoöpraxiscope capable of projecting animations of the animals and people he had studied during his travels.

In fact, the image at the top of this page is adapted from his work — A study of Buffalo galloping from 1893.

The point? Apart from teaching me trivia I’ll never need

Firstly, if you’ve got this far we’re hiring and searching for the world’s brightest minds to join our journey — See all our open positions on Workable now.

Secondly, the zoöpraxiscope was the seed of an idea that evolved into the modern movie projector. Muybridge laid the foundations for people to create incredible things for decades to come.

It’s these foundations that we have in common.

Here at BuffaloGrid we’re laying the groundwork for everyone in the world to join the digital economy. That begins with providing access to power to the 1.2 billion people that currently go without.

It’s an ambitious idea that will continue to evolve as great ideas do. But we have a plan and we’ve already started executing on it. So if you’d like to follow our journey find us on Twitter or Instagram.

Welcome to Inside BuffaloGrid, a blog about the people behind our mission to connect the next billion. Oh, and I’ll repeat myself once more, we’re hiring.

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*He also shot a man for having an affair with his wife but please don’t draw any comparisons there.



Sam Golden
Inside BuffaloGrid

Trained journalist, born artist, and professonal storyteller. Spilling my guts over tech 💻 marketing 🚀media