Meet the team: Daniel Becerra, CEO

Inside BuffaloGrid
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2018

We all know corporate profiles can be boring. That’s why these snapshots are designed to give you a quick idea of who we are and what we do.

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First up is Daniel Becerra, cofounder and CEO.

Hi Daniel — One thing a lot of people don’t know about you?

I’m Mexican and I used to be a professional mountain biker.

First thing you do in the morning?

At home in Ireland, mornings are the kid’s time. I get up, make them breakfast and do the school run. Work doesn’t start until after all that happens.

When I’m travelling or working with the team in London I just get up, get in the shower and get going!

What are you working on right now?

Half of my time is still using design engineering skills. Product development is always happening and we’re also getting excited about putting our latest Hub in to mass manufacturing.

First mobile phone?

I can’t remember the brand, it was one of those cheap rip offs but it had the nicest ringtone ever. It sounded like the sonar on a submarine, it was class.

What phone do you have now?

I have an iPhone

Last thing you used it for?

I just sent a text message two minutes ago to Phil Schluter, BuffaloGrid’s chairman who first spotted the challenge we’re tackling when working as a coffee trader across India and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Show us a photo you’ve taken with your phone and explain it

This is a picture of a maze built after the Good Friday agreements in Northern Ireland.

Its an abstraction of how challenging it is to get to peace but, if you keep working, you’ll get there eventually. It’s very close to my home in Ireland and this photo on shows just a small section of it.

How many cups of tea/coffee do you drink a day?


How many miles do you travel by bike a week?

Only 20 miles a month these days!

What motivates you?

My kids. It’s about giving them a good example and making a better world for them to live in.

Song of the moment?



Inside BuffaloGrid

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