Meet The Team: Joshua Wang, Production Assistant

Inside BuffaloGrid
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2018

We all know corporate profiles can be boring. That’s why these snapshots are designed to give you a quick idea of who we are and what we do.

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Today we’re catching up Joshua Wang, Production Assistant

Hi Josh, what’s one thing a lot of people don’t know about you

I used to do competitive gymnastics when I was a kid!

First thing you do in the morning

Boil the kettle, go for a run, make myself a cup of tea, read a bit of news and catch up with the Indian team in New Delhi. Then, if I’m feeling up for it, a bit of meditation.

What are you working on right now?

What I’m enjoying most at the moment is all the design work. I’m getting back to using some of the CAD tools that I worked on in the past, it’s great fun.

I’m also really excited about the work we’re doing to cut down the cost of our Hub. This means looking for a lot of the simple design changes we can make that will drastically improve the manufacturing process.

First mobile phone?

Part of me has always wanted one of those Nokia 3310 but my first one was a Motorola Razr which I broke twice.

What phone do you have now?

iPhone 6 but I’d rather have a Samsung after having a go on my friends the other day.

Last thing you used it for?

To send a WhatsApp message

Show me a photo you’ve taken with it and explain

We want on a last minute trip for my friends birthday to Retezat National Park in Eastern Romania. We looked at the weather forecast and it looked super sunny. so we packed shorts and t shirts and booked a flight. The only thing is, we’d checked the weather at sea-level, not where we were headed in the mountains.

When we arrived but there were no regular buses so we hired a car, drove 7 hours to this park, camped that evening and started walking up this mountain the next day.

Half way up, about 1000 metres above sea-level, we started seeing patches of snow. We kept on going until fog started to close in around us. We could barely see 5 metres in front so we hid out in a tiny hut for five hours hoping the weather would clear up. It didn’t.

Eventually we made our way back by following maps on my phone as the fog stuck in the air around us obscuring every landmark. This picture shows me wearing all my friends clothes, all I had were shorts, trainers and a top.

How many cups of tea and coffee do you drink a day?

Probably about four, 3 coffees and 1 tea.

What motivates you?

I feel like anyone who has had a fortunate upbringing has the responsibility in some way or another to give back to other people. Also I don’t want to average, I want to do something outside of the general trend.

Song of the moment?



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