Meet The Team: Pierre Boyer, Full Stack Developer

Inside BuffaloGrid
Published in
3 min readMay 10, 2018

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Today we’re catching up with Pierre Boyer, Full Stack Developer.

Hi Pierre — What’s one thing a lot of people don’t know about you?

I’m a musician, I play bass and guitar which isn’t something that comes up very often.

First thing you do in the morning?

I wake up. Next question.

What are you working on right now?

I’m always working on a mix of hardware and software development.

Today I’ve been looking at the latest version of the Hub’s software ahead of them being deployed in the field.

Also the sun is out in London for once so I’ve had chance to set up some of our solar panels and test how much power we get from them at different load settings.

First mobile phone?
The Philips 768…

What about now?

Now I have a Nexus 5. In fact I’ve had a Nexus 5 for the last five years. I lost one, broke another one, and then had a choice between a disappointing Nexus 5X/6 or a Pixel, which is nice but way too expensive for the relative upgrade.

I haven’t found a better alternative yet. They don’t even manufacture them anymore, the one I bought apparently came from some random reseller’s overstock in Korea, and it’s only going to get worse.

I may be forced to move on at some point…

Last thing you used it for?

Sending a Slack message letting you know I was on my way

Show me a photo you’ve taken with it and explain

This might be the most boring photo you’ve been shown so far…

This is one of the new middleboards from our V3 Hubs. I took the photo to act as an explanatory diagram for our assembly team.

How many cups of tea and coffee do you drink a day ?

It varies. I can give you the average, but I should probably give you the distribution.

Half the time I make a conscious effort not to drink any tea or coffee. The other half of the time It depends how I feel like in the morning, so I’ll have between 1–4 cups of tea or coffee.

Let’s say on average I have 1.25 coffees and 1.25 teas a day.

How far do you cycle every week?

I’m lucky and live super close so it’s only a 4.2 mile round trip every day.

What motivates you?

Having fun. I like solving problems and building software then seeing it work. It’s the idea of building something from scratch. That’s what motivates me on the day to day.

In the long term I think BuffaloGrid’s mission is really exciting and the business plan is realistic. Now it’s just a matter of getting together and making it happen.

Song of the moment



Inside BuffaloGrid

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