Is Strong the New Skinny? Why Body Composition Matters More Than The Scale

Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2023
Photo by Sushil Ghimire on Unsplash

Are you obsessed with the number on the scale and disappointed when it doesn’t budge?

Have you ever wondered if female Olympic gymnasts are all skin and bones?

There’s more to health and fitness than a single number — it’s time to rethink what truly matters.

We’ve all been told that a lower weight equals a healthier body, but is that really the case?

While genetics do play a role, many female Olympic gymnasts actually have impressive muscle definition and above average muscle mass for their size.

How is this possible if conventional wisdom says they must be underweight?

The secret is body composition — it’s not just about how much you weigh, but what your body is made of.

The importance of body composition

Muscle tissue is more compact and takes up less space than fat tissue, so even at a higher weight, someone with low body fat and high muscle can be very lean and toned. Still not convinced?

Consider these stats:

  • On average, elite female gymnasts have body fat percentages in the teens, compared to the typical range of 25–31% for most women.
  • Their bodies are about 20–25% lean muscle mass — far more than the average fit woman at 15–20%.
  • Despite this, most are considered a “healthy weight” according to BMI standards.

So in reality, those ripped Olympic athletes are not underweight — they simply have optimized their body composition through rigorous strength training. Their physiques are built, and they prove that strong can indeed be the new skinny.


My friends, it’s time we change our perspective. Constantly fretting over the number on the scale will only lead to frustration and comparison.

Instead, focus on how you feel — are you gaining strength? Getting leaner? Getting healthier each day through smart nutrition and consistent exercise?

Those are the metrics that truly matter for long-term wellness and self-esteem.

The next time you step on the scale, remember — muscles weigh more than fat.

So go pump some iron today and start shifting your body comp in a positive direction.

With dedication, you too can achieve a strong, sculpted physique and look fitter than ever before, regardless of the number staring back at you!

What do you think — ready to trade in your scale obsession for a body composition focused plan?

Let me know if you need help getting started on your journey to strong.

The first step is realizing your worth isn’t defined by a single digit.

You’ve got this!

Thanks for reading!

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