Write For Us

Divyum Rastogi
Bugged Brain
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2020
Photo by Stanley Dai on Unsplash

We’re always looking for great content to help programmers curious to learn new things and get better at what they do everyday.


Here are a few ideas to get the creative juices flowing:

  • Anything which you have learnt, experience or any thing which you think can help others of your type.
  • System design concepts which you think can help engineers learn new things and also the interview aspirants.
  • Any concept of computer programming explained in most simple terms possible. It can be algorithms, design patterns, anything which will help out people looking for some good content which is not easily available.
  • Tutorials on how to do something interesting, hard or complex with your favorite language or framework.
  • Non-Tech related aspects of the job (negotiation, dealing with imposter syndrome, how to be a good manager, remote work, etc.)
  • Deep dives into the inner-workings of things we use everyday but never think how it works like queue system, caching, framework, server, etc.
  • New technologies like Kafka, Spark, Kubernetes and their internal working that anyone can understand. Good sources of understanding them.
  • Projects and their explanation.
  • Anything else not mentioned above.


Instructions before you submit:

  • Your Medium account should have your name, a bio and a picture of you.
  • Your piece should have a title and a subtitle.
  • Try to keep the content as simple as possible so that reader of any experience can understand it.
  • Add more code snippets, examples, images to make the content interesting.
  • Break any content which is getting too long. We do not want our reader to keep the article in read later.
  • If you include code snippets, use gists, paste the URL of the gist into your post and press enter. It will render the code as part of your post and include syntax highlighting if your gist is named with the correct file extension (.css, .js, .swift, etc.).
  • Please add a nice cover image that you have the rights to use or are Creative Commons. We recommend sites like Unsplash. Please give the photographer credit. See further up in this post for an example.
  • At the bottom of your article, please include a Resources section with any links that you mentioned in your post for quick reference by the reader. Github repos, Playgrounds, JSFiddles and Gists are highly recommended.


When your post is ready, reach out at thebuggedbrain@gmail.com with the draft. We will review the content and provide any feedback if necessary. We will publish the draft once it meets our standards.

Note: If you have already published a piece with us, there’s no need to use this form again. Just click the menu in the top right of Medium, click “Add to Publication” on your draft, and we’ll get the notification and respond.

We look forward to your submissions!

