The Buglife Demo Video

Dave Schukin
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2016

Most demo videos suck.

At Buglife, we like to make things not suck. So we made an unconventional demo video.

Here’s how you can make your own.

Write a script.

Start with a narration script that can be read in 30 seconds or less. Keep it as short as humanly possible; nobody has time to listen to a 3-minute monologue about your app. 30 seconds is the limit for Twitter video*, and you’ll be lucky if you can keep eyes focused even that long.

Get someone with an awesome voice to read the script. If you’re funded, get H. Jon Benjamin. If not, find a friend or hire someone on Fiverr. Auto-Tune is so 2007, so don’t even go there.

Record a video.

Get a clip of your app in action. This is trivial thanks to Quicktime.

You’ll quickly encounter two problems:
1. Recorded video doesn’t show who’s tapping the screen; Button hit states aren’t easily discernible, and it looks like a ghost is using your app
2. Why can’t we just automate tapping through a sequence of screens in your app, rather than doing it manually for each recording?

Floater💩 on a gold iPhone vs. ghost thumbs on a black iPhone

Meet Floater💩

Floater💩 is a small set of iOS classes + extensions that (a) renders a floating fingertip that moves between button taps (b) leverages Xcode UI Testing to automate tap events.

Go check it out on GitHub. Make an awesome video. Win.

*It’s actually possible to upload videos longer than 30 seconds to Twitter through their Ads portal.

