An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the CreateChangeSet operation: Template format error: Parameter name group_name_param is non alphanumeric.

AWS Naming Conventions — again — CloudFormation

Teri Radichel
Bugs That Bite



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AWS naming conventions again. The platform is completely inconsistent as I just wrote about in another post. Why in the world does CloudFormation care if I have an _ in the name of a parameter? But it does.

So instead of this in my CloudFormation template:

Type: String

I changed it to this:

Type: String

I don’t really like camel case. I wish I could just use underscores. But that solves it.

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Teri Radichel | © 2nd Sight Lab 2022

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Teri Radichel
Bugs That Bite

CEO 2nd Sight Lab | Penetration Testing & Assessments | AWS Hero | Masters of Infosec & Software Engineering | GSE 240 etc | IANS | SANS Difference Makers Award