Community Updates 2021


BUIDL Honduras
3 min readMar 7, 2021


Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

New Year, improved community! This year our goal is to welcome new members to our community and there is no better way than teaching new skills to the new community members.

Solidity Study Group

It’s been planning for a couple of months and finally released with the help of our friends of Macao Tech, we created a 12 weeks program where developers can learn solidity with workshops every two weeks and a constant stream of resources and documents shared on a Discord. You can see the syllabus here.

People who connect to the talks will earn these awesome limited edition POAPs, also the ones that finish the course will get a special POAP which will be used for governance decisions.

Solidity Study Group with Mayan symbols

Current workshops include Introduction to the blockchain, working with libraries and security, ERC20 and ERC721 Standards, and Frontend Development for Smart Contracts.

The Future of Art

Digital art is exploding, this is thanks to the adoption of major artists exploring with Non Fungible Tokens ( NFTs) to sell their work. There are many forms of digital art that can help solve many problems local artists are having in developing countries.

We are going to launch a Digital Art competition where we will teach artists to turn their Art into NFTs and setup their wallets. The best artist will receive some prizes and will work with some NFTs marketplace to set up an auction for the pieces. Our ultimate goal is to bring more artists to the blockchain space.

Parting Thoughts

We will keep generating Spanish content and organizing local meetups over the next months.

This community is fully run by volunteers and grant money. If you want to help us, we are participating in round 9 of Gitcoin grants any donation will be matched using a Capital-constrained Liberal Radicalism (CLR) Mechanism so anything you contribute is going to be of great help.

You can also contribute in other ways, like sharing our content or being a guest in our meetups. You can reach me by sending me an email at or at @Crisgarner on Twitter.



BUIDL Honduras

Blockchain Development @CryptexFinance 👨‍💻, Devcon V Scholar ⛓️ @Ethereum, Founder @affogatoco☕.