Community Updates

Jul — September

BUIDL Honduras
4 min readSep 15, 2020


COVID has Honduras under strict lockdown, so physical events are out of the map until next year. We decided to focus this quarter on improving the virtual experience and connecting our local community with the global Ethereum community.

We had several calls with organizers from Argentina, Colombia, Guatemala, and Costa Rica to learn more about their meetups and get some tips.

Meetup Updates

One of our first decision was to buy for a year a Pro Zoom account to host our meetups. We also had coordination changes like setting on stone our meetup date to the second Thursday of every month, that way participants know that every month this is happening, and organizers also know that have to prepare everything with time.

Connecting with other communities and migrating to virtual meetups allowed us to improve our speaker alignment. We had speakers from the United States, Canada, Costa Rica, Argentina, Colombia, México. The meetup talks for this period where:

Barreras para Adopción | StablePay & BundleFi — July

We had Lucia Gallardo from Canada talking about adoption and the Stablepay team showcasing their latest products. We also announced the Honduras Local Grants Program on this meetup.

Decentralized Exchanges & Matcha | Organizaciones del Futuro (DAOS) — August

Fulvia talked about DEXes and did a demo on, María talked about DAOs and showcased Aragon Courts.

Como contribuir a Ethereum 2.0 en Go & walkthrough de Prysm — Late August

In collaboration with the Go Lang community and Raul Jordán from Prysmatic Labs. We had a meetup were Raul talked about Ethereum 2.0 and how to contribute to the Prysm client.

Proof of Attendance Protocol, Ethereum Support Program & Local Grants! — September

We launched our first POAP with Patricio, Talked about the ESP grants with Chris, and announced the winners of the Ethereum Foundation local grants.

Ethereum Foundation Local Grants

The Ethereum Support Program it’s doing experiments on how to improve their support to multiple communities and wanted to do a pilot program with the Honduras community. We will announce more details on the results on another post soon. For now, what we can say is that the influence of the Ethereum Foundation helped us reach more people and grow our community discord. We gave talks about Ethereum to all the major colleges in the country and made a lot of noise. Honduras Ethereum Community sounded in a lot of places.

We got an awesome logo for our Ethereum Community, loved so much that the BUIDL Tegucigalpa group renamed to Ethereum TGU.

Community Activities

We did some activities that improve collaboration with the global Ethereum community.


We launched a POAP token for our Ethereum TGU meetup, each meetup assistants will be able to earn their POAPs and then use it to signal on governance using

Here is a video of the artist creating the Token design.

Community Nodes

We launched 2 Medalla Nodes on Tegucigalpa and 1 Mainnet Geth node in San Pedro Sula using funds provided by gitcoin grants.

Virtual Solidity Study Group

Image from the website

We have approved a community mini-grant in order to start a 10-week Solidity Study group. The curricula is currently being designed and after it’s approved and reviewed by community members we will announce it.

Parting Thoughts

We will keep generating Spanish content and organizing local meetups over the next months.

This community is fully run by volunteers and grant money. If you want to help us, we are participating in the round 6 of Gitcoin grants any donation will be matched using a Capital-constrained Liberal Radicalism (CLR) Mechanism so anything you contribute is going to be of great help.

You can also contribute in other ways, like sharing our content or being a guest in our meetups. You can reach me by sending me an email at or at @Crisgarner on Twitter.



BUIDL Honduras

Blockchain Development @CryptexFinance 👨‍💻, Devcon V Scholar ⛓️ @Ethereum, Founder @affogatoco☕.