Introducing Cryptoverse Wars — an interactive code school to build DApps on Tezos using SmartPy

Prastut Kumar
Published in
4 min readJun 18, 2020


Tezos is one of the leading blockchain projects with teams all around the world innovating at the bleeding edge of blockchain technologies as it enables new and unique forms of governance, social coordination, and protocol evolution. ✨

The Tezos ecosystem is also home to a vibrant developer community. Development teams are working around the clock to build a future that is permissionless, trustless and decentralized by leveraging the features of the Tezos blockchain. These features include institutional-grade smart contracts, an efficient upgrade process, inflation funding, and liquid proof of stake 🏗

If you are itching to learn how to build on Tezos but don’t know where to start, don’t worry!

Introducing Cryptoverse Wars — an interactive code school that onboards you to the crypto universe a.k.a cryptoverse!

Cryptoverse Wars is an interactive code school to build DApps on Tezos using SmartPy. The course, which is live here, starts from teaching you the fundamentals of blockchain technology and smart contracts and then leads you to develop and deploy a smart contract on the Tezos blockchain.

And you get to learn all this with the backdrop of a war happening in the Cryptoverse! Can it get more exciting?

🤖⚔️ 👽

What is the “Cryptoverse” and between whom is the “war” happening?

All good questions!

Cryptoverse is a parallel universe such as those portrayed in Ready Player One and The Matrix. In the Cryptoverse, an alien invasion is threatening all the species by waging a war in the hopes to gain control over it!

Incoming Alien invasion in the Cryptoverse!

How to stop the aliens from destroying everything in the Cryptoverse

The only known species that can fight the aliens are the Cryptobots — a species that is powered by rare gems that give the Cryptobots alien-killing cosmic superpowers!

Calling all Cryptobots 🤖

Though the problem is that these Cryptobots need to be assembled by a smart hacker. That’s where you come in!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it…

  1. At the starting of your learning journey, the code school bestows upon you a rare gem.
  2. This gem, when inserted into the chest of a Cryptobot, gives the Cryptobot alien-killing cosmic superpowers.
  3. Your mission is to build and assemble Cryptobot from scratch and then use the gem to power your Cryptobot to battle the incoming alien invasion!
  4. To assemble your Cryptobot, you are going to write a “Cryptobot” smart contract that contains all the offensive and defensive functionalities.

Through this mission, you will learn about smart contracts and how to write one using SmartPy!

Rare gems that power different Cryptobots! The course randomly chooses one for you at the start.

What is the learning experience like?

We tailored the online coding editor to:

  1. provide clear descriptive error messages to tell you where you are going wrong with your smart contract code in case of an error.
  2. provide line by line instant feedback if you get lost.
A trailer of the course!

What are you waiting for? Dive in and get started building your Cryptobot!

Getting stuck? Join our support Telegram group to ask doubts 🤔

Have feature requests, feedback, or came across bugs? Help us in squashing them and improving Cryptoverse Wars by filing them on the project’s Github 🐞

Also, stay tuned for upcoming lessons!

Closing Notes:

BUIDL Labs thanks the following people and teams for their support in bringing this project to life:

  1. Tezos Foundation for supporting the work. 🙏
  2. FFF and SmartPy team, TQ Tezos, and others in the Tezos community for giving us invaluable feedback. 🙌
  3. Charlie Wiser for going above and beyond to provide us with all the support that we needed. 🤝

BUIDL Labs is a research and development lab building products and infrastructure for the decentralized world.

Tezos is an open-source platform for assets and applications that can evolve by upgrading itself. Stakeholders govern upgrades to the core protocol, including upgrades to the amendment process itself.

SmartPy is an intuitive and effective smart contracts language and development platform for Tezos. In Python.

