No-brainer staking experience for Polkadot with YieldScan — with complete control over your funds

Saumya Karan
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2020


Staking on Polkadot and Kusama is a cognitively loaded task with many little risks, nuances and unpleasant surprises.

This agitates a vast majority of stakers (see image attached below) and pushes them to platforms like Kraken which are centralized and custodial, which poses as a security threat (both for the network and the user), or worse, leads to stakers leaving the ecosystem altogether.

Enter YieldScan…

YieldScan is a platform which aims to simplify portfolio management to make yield optimization easier and more accessible on networks like Kusama and Polkadot while allowing the users to maintain complete control over their funds.

How does it help?

Any new Polkadot/Kusama stakeholder who has the intention to stake their tokens to earn rewards is primarily looking for maximizing their yield with minimal effort.

YieldScan does precisely that by providing a staking experience that is as simple as 5 clicks to start staking from the yield calculator page.

To demonstrate the ease of use, below is a walkthrough video of yieldscan:

Ready to invest? Check out

How does it work?

YieldScan takes the budget, risk preference, time period and compounding preference as input from the user and returns the expected yield on the basis of recommended validators for the user.

For details see:

Plans for the future

YieldScan is currently focused on onboarding new users rather than the after-staking experience. We plan to improve this in the near future to help existing users optimize and gain insights into their earnings.

About us

Project YieldScan’s team is a part of BUIDL Labs. We like building, especially to help humanity get to the future faster. Learn more about us.

Connect with us

We’re supported by Web3 Foundation. Learn more about Web3 Foundation by visiting their website. To learn more about Web3 Foundation’s latest developments, join them on Reddit or Twitter.

