Leveraging Requests-to-Connect on BUIDL.so to find Expert Mentorship

Suzana Joel
BUIDL.so Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2024

We all know the struggle of being a startup founder. You’re juggling a million things, from product development to funding, and sometimes it feels like you could really use some guidance from someone who’s been there, done that.

That’s where BUIDL.so’s awesome feature, Request-to-Connect (RTC), comes in.

Think of it as your golden ticket to connecting with a tribe of amazing mentors who can be your secret weapon for startup success.

Who are these mentors, you ask?

These are industry veterans, funding gurus, and ecosystem experts — basically, the who’s who of the startup world, ready to share their wisdom and connections. With over 100 mentors on the platform, there’s bound to be an expert who can perfectly complement your startup journey.

It’s all about crafting a stellar Request to Connect. Let’s look into how you can connect with a Mentor!

How to use Request-to-Connect!

  • Head over to https://buidl.so/ecosystem/tribe
  • Choose the Mentor you want to connect with an hit the “Request Connection” Button.
  • Fill out the form, answering questions about:

Why do you want to connect with this mentor?
How can this mentor help you?
List specific questions you will ask the mentor

  • Click on “Create Request”.

Once we receive your request, we will reach out to the mentor and revert back to you with the next steps.

Some Pro-tips!

  • Target with Precision
    Don’t just blast out requests to everyone. Find mentors whose expertise aligns with your startup’s area. It’s a win-win — you get targeted advice, and they get to connect with someone who’s a good fit.
  • Complete Profile
    Make sure your Buidl.so startup profile is up-to-date. A polished pitch deck, a clear whitepaper, and linked GitHub and Twitter accounts all add points to your profile game.
  • Answer Time
    When you request a connection, there are some key questions Buidl.so will ask you. Don’t just phone them in! Craft clear, thoughtful, and well-supported answers. This shows the mentor you’re serious and ready to make the most of their time.
  • Ask Like a Pro
    When you connect with an investor mentor, have questions about your pitch deck prepped and ready. If you’re reaching out to an ecosystem expert, make sure your request highlights how their experience aligns with your startup’s needs.

RTC your way into strong networks!

Remember, mentors are busy people, but a well-crafted request shows you’ve done your research and are genuinely interested in their expertise. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to building valuable connections and taking your startup to the next level.

So, what are you waiting for? Buidl your network and start making those connections happen!

Head to BUIDL.so now!

