What is BUIDL.so & How can it help your startup grow in the Web3 World?

Suzana Joel
BUIDL.so Blog
Published in
7 min readFeb 29, 2024

Launching a startup, especially in the ever-evolving world of Web3, can be a daunting task without the right help, especially when market conditions get grizzly. BUIDL.so is here to change that.

BUIDL.so is a conduit to a thriving global community of startups and ecosystem enablers with a marketplace built to support founders in the early-stage. In this resource, you will learn more about BUIDL.so and how you can use it best.

Bear Market Clouds and Silver Linings — a Retrospective

In the onset of the bear market in 2023, the funding dryspell from investor circles started making its dent in the global Web3 startup ecosystem. However, this period brings about a unique phenomena that ends up separating the wheat from the chaff (when it isn’t choking the life out of honest startups).

However, Web3-native grants and funds continue to operate with a positive outlook, sporting their own version of #WAGMI, with enhanced due diligence policies of course. Long story short: despite the odds, we know there is still room for startups that can build sustainable products that can survive future market cycles.

That said, BUIDL.so is in it for the long haul to lend a shoulder to the Web3 startup ecosystem. With a community that gets more formidable as it grows, we’re gearing up to make BUIDL.so a space that can add value to startup journeys.

How BUIDL.so is built to help early stage startups take off!

One of the biggest challenges that startups face in their early stages is finding the right in-roads into the industry. We’ve taken a close look at these issues and designed BUIDL.so to help startup founders with access to knowledge, network and capital.

So, here’s the tip of the iceberg

  • Support from the Tribe: Connect with over 1500 passionate founders and 400 savvy investors+mentors, all under one roof.
  • Community of Mentors: Get mentorship support from experienced veterans, including investors, domain knowledge specialists and ecosystem representatives and get valuable feedback to shape your journey.
  • Access to a suite of tools: Unlock exclusive Credits, deals and discounts for essential tools like QuickNode, Moralis, and AWS to fuel your development.
  • Update your Progress: Showcase your journey, celebrate milestones, and gain visibility for potential investors.
  • Participate in Programmes: Participate in curated Demo Days, grant programs, and investor panels, with over $10 million already raised by Buidl.so startups.

We’ve navigated several ways to manifest our support, expertise and goodwill into BUIDL.so. Without further ado, let’s make like the Titanic and get to the bottom of it.

BUIDL.so feature sets designed for Connections

BUIDL.so takes a deep dive-approach into solving the immediate needs of early stage startups. While Founders scramble to become a blip on the VC radar, grow their networks and find the right strategies to go-to-market, there is a significant amount of time and effort that can be saved. That said, here are the major features of BUIDL.so that makes it happen for founders


Asks are as straightforward and broad as they get.

On BUIDL.so, if you have a need that involves connecting with a certain person on the BUIDL.so Tribe (a mentor, investor, startup), or finding the next potential hire, go-to-market support, mentorship, BD Intros, Asks is specifically designed to provide personalised support.

Every week, Founders on BUIDL.so can request for any 3 Asks. Once received, we will reach out to the founder for further context work on materialising the Ask by diving into our networks, and fulfil the request accordingly. We’ve had a pretty decent success rate by fulfilling 100+ Asks.

Request-to-Connect (RTCs)

One of the best things about BUIDL.so is its rich community of experienced professionals, industry experts, up-and-coming startup founders, and VCs. With RTCs, you can connect with these experts with specific support requests and interact with them one-on-one.

The BUIDL.so Tribe hosts 70+ Mentors who are representatives of funds that are deploying, representatives of ecosystems and domain knowledge experts. With a complete startup profile, you can request to connect with up to 3 Mentors per week.


One of the best offerings that BUIDL.so has to offer is Updates — a reputation protocol that will help startups create an archive of growth updates that will benefit them in the long term.

While scouting for portfolio startups, VCs and Investors look for deep insights on startups and their growth trajectories to fit their investment thesis. We believe that we can help you stay ahead of the curve with Updates.

More so, to turn it up a notch, BUIDL.so also provides an integration to Twitter and GitHub with which you can display a feed along with activity insights, showcasing a strong brand presence.

Connecting GitHub

With a GitHub integration on BUIDL.so, startups can showcase progress on product development which will be updated on a weekly basis. To put this into perspective, investors will get the right signals from profiles to determine which startups are diligently building their products as opposed to ones that are merely in it for the hype.

Connecting Twitter

Twitter serves as a strong platform for the Web3 community, It is one of the most popular platforms that showcases a startup’s brand presence on the internet. By integrating Twitter to your BUIDL.so startup profile, you will showcase Twitter activity along with a snapshot of your weekly performance.

With a Twitter + GitHub integration on BUIDL.so, you will gain access to a higher tier of credits, generate more interest from investors, collect more user feedback and get priority Asks fulfilment.


BUIDL.so has hosted 15+ Demo Days — as both virtual and physical events, alongside conferences, panels discussions, side events, and more. On the Programs section of the BUIDL.so, you will find avenues where you can showcase your startup, raise capital, meet with the Tribe and grow your networks.


On BUIDL.so, we also host free or discounted Credits to a suite of popularly used tools. These include AWS, Notion, MongoDB, DocSend and a whole host of others. You can claim a stipulated number of credits within a certain time that can aid with development, operations, marketing, etc.

Best Practices

Now that you have an overview of BUIDL.so, here are some best practices that you can follow to make the most of it!

  1. Make sure you 100% your startup profile form. The more forthcoming you are with your startup information, the better your visibility to the investor network on BUIDL.so.
  2. Leverage the reputation protocol on BUIDL.so by proactively sharing your startup updates every week. This can range from product updates, new hires, marketing metrics, PR updates, partnership updates, to just about anything you wish to speak about
  3. Additionally, Integrate your GitHub and your Twitter to your startup profile.
  4. Join all community activities on BUIDL.so like Speakeasy — a community Meet ’n’ Greet on Gather Town, Demo Days, Investor Speed Dating, etc, to get acquainted with the Tribe. You can explore this on Programs.
  5. Explore Asks and RTCs; remember, you can only make 3 requests in each of these features respectively.

With ❤, From BuidlersTribe

BUIDL.so is founded on an ecosystem that we built to support startups in Web3. As a tool, it opens you up to a community that is here for the long haul with its resourcefulness stemming from knowledge, networks and capital.

It is dedicated to Teams everywhere that are bringing to life Web3’s overall vision.

So, feel free to explore and connect with us!

Visit BUIDL.so website: https://buidl.so/
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BuidlersTribe

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