November Team Update

Doubling down on development, tripling up on community!

Mitchell Opatowsky
3 min readNov 2, 2020


Today, the team behind BUIDLHub, a Zapier-like platform for blockchain that does everything from automating on-chain actions to off-chain queries to web2.0 app integrations, is announcing a series of technical product launches. Rewards and goodies are in store for early testers.

Hey Community! It’s now November and it’s time for an update from our team.

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BUIDLHub’s Team Focus

We’re maintaining BUIDLHub as an automation platform and we’re shifting focus to DeFi automations. As you may remember, we launched NewPairs at the start of September. You can read our September Update here.

We launched the website as a market test to see what types of automations the market wanted. We will not be maintaining NewPairs but will shift the promised features for DeFi into new products.

One of our key takeaways has been that BUIDLHub is a Swiss Army knife, and crypto users like very specific tools for whatever things they might need — if it’s CDP liquidation automation you go to DeFiSaver, if you need a private transaction you go to, etc. Telling our story was difficult when we had so many ideas that could capture value — where do we start?

As an automation platform, BUIDLHub is needed to simplify accessing and moving on/off-chain data; but the market is ultimately the decider of where our team should focus.

During our experiments with different architectures, we recognized that the ideal solution people were asking for would require something that the current infrastructure wasn’t designed for — automated non-custodial swaps. This will be our focus over the next few weeks.

Our team wants to and will return to build and extend the automation platform as it is today, but we’ve realized that the market is too early for us to capture sustainable value from it. So we are going to focus on more market-relevant use cases in DeFi.

What We’ve Been Working On

Keep this quiet. You know us, we are builders. And we’ve been busy building.

We’re part of the blockchain cohort of the Creative Destruction Labs, which is a groundbreaking model for a competitive Surivor-esque style accelerator. In it, you have 5 successive rounds of mentorship, judging, and assessment. We were accepted and moved on from round 1. This has given us significant feedback that will shape our team’s direction.

Our community will likely shift more towards DeFi and away from mere alerts and notifications. We will maintain the existing alerts/notifications, but we will be creating a new set of protocols in parallel. Join us here, we have something in store for early adopters and members.

Want to Join Us?

Our team is looking for disciplined, self-starters to join us. Reach out or pass this along to someone who may be interested!

  • Backend Developers
  • Community Managers
  • Growth and Marketing Managers

Stay Up-to-Date

  • Follow our BUIDLHub accounts on Twitter. Join our Telegram and Discord.
  • Explore BUIDLHub automation templates to reduce your time to outcomes in DWeb.

Share the ❤️ in our chats and reach out to us by email to suggest new integrations!

Please join our Automation community:

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