Workshop: Integrating Blockchain with Traditional Web

Rethink the narratives you’ve heard about DLT with hands-on experience

Mitchell Opatowsky
3 min readMar 10, 2020


Disclaimer: BUIDLHub’s workflow tools optimize experience interacting with blockchain networks. Use our brand new low-code, no-code solution to integrate blockchain data-driven events into your project for FREE at

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(NOTE: Bring your laptop if you want to follow along and run the demo yourself).

It’s 2020 and we hear all the time about PoCs that are taking web3.0 DLT techs like blockchain to the masses, but it’s very hard to understand what that means exactly. We’ve talked about the difficulty to quantify just what’s going on and why transparent and easy experimentation is imperative to getting past the FUD about the technologies. Moreover, it’s difficult to grasp what the difference between permissioned and permissionless chains are when you’re fed two different stories: one about enterprise supply chain deployments and the other being about DeFi and DAOs.

No, DLT is not a panacea, but it is certainly going to be a standard component among applications of the future, just as frontend and backend are universal across the web2.0 techs we have today.

To do this, web2.0 needs to bridge into the web3.0 world, and vis versa.

This workshop isn’t going to teach you how to program. It’s not going to evangelize public networks. It’s attempting to show you how you can rethink the narratives with more grounded and hands-on experience.

First, we’ll provide a high-level understanding of what roles BUIDLHub and OneClickDapp (OCD) serve the development community and beyond.

Then we’ll talk about what the challenges of web3.0 integration are today. This blends into the narrative around “does blockchain work” and we’ll touch on several points like protocol network differences, insider knowledge requirements, and development tool instability.

We’ll talk through some other projects that have entered the space, tackling different aspects, and how BUIDLHub and OCD relate, differ, and where the pieces fit together.

Next, we’ll start our interactive workshop demo: an example of a government-backed initiative between key medical supply companies to distribute supplies for COVID-19 to quarantined areas. #COVID-19

In our mock scenario, a government technology solutions provider is tasked with ensuring that quarantine hospitals are getting the necessary medical supplies. Checkpoints in the distribution channel are represented as “suppliers”. These suppliers record receipt of medical supplies using blockchain. The scenario will use the Rinkeby test network where we will deploy and interact with a simple smart contract. We will review the contract logic during the workshop so it’s clear what it’s doing. We will then make shipping receipt transactions on-chain and monitor them in near real-time. Activity will be presented in a “dashboard” using a Discord channel that is open to anyone.

We will interact with the deployed contract using OCD, which presents a clean user interface to call functions on a smart contract.

We’ll show you how a number of organizations could feasibly work together in a very limited timeline using these tools and talk about the broader implications for the web3.0 ecosystem as it stands today.

Some takeaways will be discussing how people spend their time experimenting or brainstorming these use cases or implementations, which we believe is a conversation between core logic and infrastructure. For us, the priority is to get to outcomes as quickly as possible.

After the event, we’ll post a more detailed walkthrough of our solution! Stay tuned. #coronavirus

And come say hi to the Tellor team too!

Looking forward to what these next few months hold in store for us. Share us some of your love ❤️ in our chats to give us new ideas or reach out to us by email to suggest new integrations!

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