A profile folder stores my design idea skeches

My best way of making UX portfolio

Zach Lin
Little by little …


If you’re an UX designer, I am very interested in how you make your UX portfolio? Because this has puzzled me for a long while. UX is not like other works, in most cases the success of a UX work is to not letting user be aware of the design. In work, I spend respectably amount of time on making things simple. But when it comes to showcase your work, it’s just not eye-catching at all…

To my own question, design thinking helps too. I start thinking what I DO want people to see in my portfolio and what I DON’T want people to see in my portfolio. The later one is clear to me, I don’t want to overly polish my work as I do think my work is valuable. I want to be authentic to my work, myself. The former question is much harder to answer, until one day it comes up to me an idea - I can write a blog to record interesting design stories happened in my work. With this idea, I found my own answer for the former question.

Design is always like this, you come up with idea A, B, C or more first. Then you may find B is actually better then other two but A has something which can make B better, so you got the B’. By putting B’ into the design context, there can be many other tweaks you made to fit it even better. The solution still look like B, and people might think it’s just like as it, but the thinking process values and is interesting. Interesting is very important, I want people to have fun on reading these stories and love the work of UX. I want these stories can show the value of the UX well, and also I want the impact can be spreadable. I want to help people as I know they are many young ambitious people who wants to build a better world with UX jobs, but they may not know how to start. I hope my portfolio can be not only used for opportunity seeking but also a tool for my vision - Build a better world by UX.

