5 Steps to becoming a backend developer with Node JS

Malik Abdulkader
3 min readApr 19, 2021


Follow these simple steps to become a backend developer with Node JS

What is Backend?

Back-end is the server-side of the Web site. It focuses on databases, scripting, and data processing. It contains behind-the-scene activities that occur when performing any action on a website. It can be a signup or account data update. Back end is the mediator between the client (Browser) and the database (process the incoming request and generate and send the response to the client).

Why Node JS?

  • Simple to learn.
  • Strong community.
  • High performance.
  • Web app development speed.
  • Improved app response time.

and more…

Here are the steps you will need to follow:

Step 1: Learn Data Structures & Algorithm.

Most Computer Science students and newbies tend to skip learning data structures and algorithm basics. However, before getting deep into web development, every developer should know DSA basics like data types, operations …
DSA is not just a step to become a developer, it is much more than that, it teaches you a way to be a better programmer and a way to think better and faster.

Step 2: Learn JS and NodeJS.

Learning a programming language like JavaScript takes a lot of time and effort hence why you should be patient.
The best way to learn is by practicing, Take your time and try to code during your learning process. Moreover, bear in mind that understanding the basics of programming and how NodeJS works is a must, but you also have to make sure you’reup to date with the latest JavaScript versions (ECMAScript).

Step 3: Learn database

Almost every website today uses a database to store its data. Therefore, learning how databases work and how data are stored is crucial . There are many easy-to-use relational and non-relational database management systems available from which you can select one to work with.

Examples : MongoDB ,MySQL , PostgreSQL ,….

Step 4: Learn Framework

For node JS, Frameworks like Express and Fastify are open-source and free to use. They allow programmers to build custom solutions faster. These frameworks are flexible, efficient, and full of features that can help you develop any kind of application .pick one and check its documentation for more info.

Step 5: Build your app

Building applications will help you to understand how everything works together, you will not understand how stuff really works until you actually start doing it practically. Build your own project with your own idea or just pick an existing one and try to copy it.


Now, by following those steps, you will be on the road to becoming the backend developer which most IT companies are looking for. Take your time, focus on your goals and keep yourself up to date with industry and technological trends, and don’t forget that the best way to learn is to practice.

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