Nepal Album 1: New York to Baishakuha, Nepal

Kay Tsuji
Build a school in Nepal
6 min readJun 6, 2018


Traveling from New York to Baishakuha took two days after taking three different flights and a charter bus. It was a long way, but our experience at Baishakuha was so worth the trip!


Kathmandu, here we come! We flew out on May 12 from JFK. ニューヨークのジョン・F・ケネディ空港にて、出発記念セルフィー。
Saying hello to baby before boarding at JFK Terminal 4. 搭乗前にもう一回、赤ちゃんに行ってきますコール
Transfer at Dubai Airport ドバイ空港で乗り継ぎ
Dubai: 109 °F, sand storm! ドバイは42℃、砂嵐の中タラップへ
Gray sky is because of the sand storm. 空がグレーなのは砂嵐のせい
22 hours after leaving New York, we finally arrived at Kathmandu! ニューヨークを出発して22時間後、やっとカトマンズ到着!
United with the rest of the team. Celebratory dinner to kick off a successful trek! 先にカトマンズ入りしていた仲間と合流。学校建築プロジェクトの成功に期待しつつ、乾杯!@Thamel House Restaurant
Early next morning, flying out to western Nepal with a local carrier. 翌早朝、西ネパールへ向けて再び飛びます
Being seated right next to the propellers of this twin-engine turboprop, ATR 72, was thrilling, to say the least. The Himalayas are hidden in the clouds, but the low mountain region is seen here. プロペラの真横の席だったのでドキドキ。残念ながらヒマラヤ山脈は雲に隠れていますが、手前は低山岳地帯。
Welcome to Dhangadhi Airport! ダンガディー空港に到着
We are the Freelanthropist Trek team! チャーターバスの前でチーム記念撮影
Finally meeting the buildOn Nepal staff. We’ve been corresponding via emails and GoToMeeting for the last several weeks. After orientation and a brief language training, we drove to the village. buildOnのスタッフと合流し、オリエンテーションとネパール語会話の訓練を受けた後、村へ向けて出発!
The main highway that runs across the country is being widened in this region, so the road condition was really bumpy. Having a motorcycle is popular since owning a car is very expensive. Ladies often seat sideways as seen, which looks scary. 国の東西を結ぶ国道は拡張工事中でかなりガタガタ。車は高いので、オートバイを所有する人の方が多い。女性は横坐りしていることが多くて怖い。
Arriving at the village of Baishakha through a forest. There was a huge storm the day before we arrived, so the road condition was really muddy, and our bus got stuck at one point. 森を通り抜け、バイシャクハ村へ。前日嵐があったので、大きな水溜りがあちこちに。
We finally arrived at the village of Baishakha! やっとバイシャクハ村到着!
We were greeted by so many people. とても多くの人が集まって歓迎してくれました。Photo: © buildOn
We are going to attend the welcome ceremony to celebrate building the school! これから歓迎式典に参加します。Photo: © buildOn

Nepal Album 2 will be covering the welcome ceremony.ネパールアルバム2は歓迎式典を紹介する予定です。

All images © 2018 Kay Tsuji, otherwise noted. All rights reserved.



Kay Tsuji
Build a school in Nepal

Globetrotting food lover. A graphic designer by day and Argentine tango dancer by night. Currently fundraising to build a school in Nepal in 2020 or 2021.