Nepal Album 3: School Construction

Kay Tsuji
Build a school in Nepal
4 min readJul 4, 2018


Since the monsoon season was fast approaching, the villagers broke ground three weeks prior to our arrival. Once we got there, we had the honor of working alongside them as we turned the dream project into reality.


This was the old school where children studied—no walls to shield from the harsh winds or rain, no chairs, desks, or blackboard. 旧校舎は椅子も机も黒板もなく、悪天候から子供たちを守る壁さえもない状態でした。

Before construction began, the villagers of Baishakuha signed a covenant—a solemn promise between buildOn and the village that outlined each party’s contributions to the project. buildOn would contribute the engineering savvy, materials, and skilled labor. Baishakuha would provide land, local materials, and the weeks of labor to build the school. Additionally, the village promised to send girls and boys to school in equal numbers.


Baishakuha villagers signing the covenant. 村の人たちが集まって、契約書に署名。
Building the foundation. Ever since the earthquake in 2015, the buildOn schools were redesigned to have a more reinforced structure. 基礎工事の様子。2015年の大地震以来、buildOnの学校は全て耐震強化設計の校舎になりました。

By the time we arrived, the base of school was already completed.


Every morning, we started with a brief meeting covering the plan for the day. 毎朝、その日の予定を確認してから作業に取り掛かります。
And started the work day with a group huddle and cheer. 円陣を組み、気合を入れてから作業開始。
Making the foundation for the school entrance and walkway. 学校正面の外廊下の基礎を作ります。
We formed human chains to quickly pass rocks, bricks, and trays of sand and concrete down the line. みんなで一列になって、岩やレンガ、コンクリートや砂の入った盥を手渡しで先に送ります。
Digging an 8 ft (2.4 m) deep pit for the latrine. 深さ2.4 メートル、屋外便所用の穴。
Making the internal wall of the latrine pit. 屋外便所の内壁作り。
Sifting sand. 砂をふるいにかけます。
Transporting bags of concrete. コンクリートの袋を現場へ。
Mixing concrete. Any job that requires shoveling is pretty tough for an untrained body, but the villagers are so efficient with their tools! コンクリートを砂利と混ぜています。シャベルを使う作業は慣れない人には大変ですが、農作業を営む村の人たちは手馴れたものです。
Tying rebars. 鉄筋をワイヤーで固定する作業。
Pouring concrete for the base of the school entrance and walkway.. 外廊下の基礎にコンクリートを流し込みます。
Using string to make sure that the foundation is straight, and stacking rocks along the line to set the height. まっすぐな基礎ができるように紐で印を作り、それに沿って石を積み上げて土台を高くします。
Our powerful and beautiful lady crew. 美しく、パワフルな女性たち。
The father of our host family came and worked as well! ホームステイ先のお父さんも一緒に働きました。
The trek team worked in the morning hours, but the villagers worked in the afternoon as well. 私たち建築チームは午前中で上がりますが、村の人たちは午後も作業を続けました。
This is how the school looked when we left Baishakuha. 私たちが村を後にした時、外廊下を作っている最中でした。

Our trek team stayed in Baishakuha for 5 days and worked at the construction site for 3 days. The time was very limited but it was quality time working alongside the community. It was a hard physical labor, especially since we had to work in 98–103°F (36–39°C) heat, but it also was also a thoroughly enjoyable experience. The villagers and buildOn are pushing forward with the school construction, which is scheduled to be finished very soon.

5日間村に滞在し、そのうち3日間建築に携わりました。とても短い時間でしたが、村の人と一緒に働いた時間はとても充実したものでした。摂氏36〜39度の炎天下での作業は肉体的にはとても厳しいものでしたが、とても楽しかったです。村の人たちと buildOn は完成を目指して作業を続けており、もうすぐ落成です。

Photographs © 2018 Kay Tsuji and buildOn. All rights reserved.



Kay Tsuji
Build a school in Nepal

Globetrotting food lover. A graphic designer by day and Argentine tango dancer by night. Currently fundraising to build a school in Nepal in 2020 or 2021.