Build an App Like Lego — Tutorial 2

Tom Brodhurst-Hill
Build an App Like Lego
10 min readJan 24, 2019


Views and Scenes

1. Introduction

Navigating a mobile app is fundamentally different to using a web browser. Customers love the simplicity and predictability of a mobile UI (user interface). They can move from one app to another while using the same navigation actions to switch between features, scroll through a list, drill down to something more specific and so on.

In this Tutorial 2 of the series, we will talk about how visual content is managed within other content, including subviews inside a superview, and child scenes within a parent scene. We will introduce the tab bar controller and tab bar.

Make sure that you have completed Tutorial 1 in this series. We’ll pick up here where Tutorial 1 left off.

Recall that we’re aiming to build an app that looks something like this:

In Tutorial 1 we created a template tabbed app. It just had two tab bar items (the News/First and Second icons at the bottom), but we need three tab bar items. We also need a navigation bar for each. Each scene (News, Products and Chat) needs a scrolling list.

2. Scene, View Controller and View

In order to assemble our app, we need to know the three terms used to describe our basic building blocks…



Tom Brodhurst-Hill
Build an App Like Lego

iOS developer and architect for BareFeetWare. Builds apps for enterprise and startups. Runs workshops on building apps like Lego.