Introducing Metric limit orders for any token pair

BUILD Finance
Build Finance
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2 min readNov 15, 2020

Metric dex just shipped a new version which allows you to trade any 2 tokens wallet-to-wallet using a 0x relayer network.

Large Uniswap fills without slippage

Say you want to buy $100k worth of ZLOT at its current Uniswap price ($450). If you just go to Uniswap and submit a 100k DAI order, you’ll get a slippage of 17.29% and end up paying 542 DAI / ZLOT.

You could also go to some of our competing dexes but many of them require you to put a single all-or-nothing order which either gets filled fully or doesn’t at all.

With Metric, you can simply paste ZLOT address as a custom token, and submit a gas-free buy limit order at 450 DAI/ZLOT at ZLOT/DAI market.

Even if you’re the only person using Metric, if the price on Uniswap drops under your limit price, arbitrage bots will gradually fill parts of your order over time.

Any custom token pair

Now say you have BUILD token in your wallet and you want to swap it for ZLOT at some specific price which is not the current market price. But you’re bullish on both BUILD and ZLOT and don’t want to first swap BUILD to DAI and wait while the order fills.

You can again go to Metric, paste both tokens as your custom tokens, submit a limit order, and wait until the market conditions meet your specific price. Arb bots will then match your order and you’ll get the output amount at the price you wanted.

All without having to swap into any other token while you wait.

Trade tokens which are not even on Uniswap

Metric also allows you to trade any ERC20 tokens which are not even on Uniswap or any other dex or have very low liquidity there.

Just enter your custom token addresses into the token selector and paste the link to the custom token pair to the community chat to trade the tokens you want.

