BHI Delivers Medical Oxygen Trainings in Yaoundé, Cameroon

Build Health International biomedical engineer, Gad Lee Muhirwa, speaks with training participants at Yaoundé General Hospital in Cameroon.

This past June, Build Health International (BHI), in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health and Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), successfully conducted a series of trainings on the operation, maintenance and the management of medical oxygen pressure swing adsorption (PSA) plants in Yaoundé, Cameroon. The aim of this training was to equip local biomedical engineers, technicians, and decision-makers to safely and effectively operate, maintain, and manage PSA plants ensuring sustainable supply of medical oxygen in the country’s health system.

Similarly to its other trainings in Lesotho, Liberia, Guinea Conakry, and Rwanda, Build Health International’s oxygen training in Cameroon was conducted in French, ensuring that sustainable medical oxygen accessibility to those in greater need regardless of their location, language, or financial means. These trainings also represent collaborative opportunities with governments. BHI’s partnership with the Cameroon Ministry of Public is another investment and contribution to strengthen health systems in the country.

Andrew Johnston, BHI’s Director of Medical Oxygen Education and Training, reiterated BHI’s continued capacity building involvement in Cameroon. “We are thrilled to be back in this country to train stakeholders on how to sustainably manage medical oxygen systems. It is really important that engineers and technicians effectively maintain these systems,” said Johnston. “[The] PSA plants and oxygen systems…need to continue to work on a sustainable basis for the long term because that will save lives and increase the quality of care that patients are getting.”

BHI delivered two different trainings. The first training focused on the management of PSA plants and aimed at equipping senior managers, hospital directors, and key decision-makers in the Ministry of Public Health with necessary information to successfully integrate PSA plants in the health system. The training focused on various topics, including the importance of investing in capacity building for sustainable PSA operation, the role of daily maintenance, preventative maintenance, and routine repairs.

Jean Christian Singirankabo Ugjeneza, one of BHI’s biomedical engineers, provides an overview of oxygen compressors. Nearly forty people representing various hospital facilities participated in the training.

Dr. Yauba, Country Director at CHAI, emphasized the importance of this management training, saying, “COVID-19 exposed the loopholes that exists in our health systems regarding medical oxygen supply. Many people lost their lives due to lack of medical oxygen in several health facilities.” One major challenge following COVID has been maintaining oxygen systems. “Our technicians lack the capacity to troubleshoot and repair the machines. The objective is to sensitize general managers to be aware of the resources that they have to put in place to ensure sustainable operation of these oxygen production machines.”

The second training covered operation and maintenance of PSA plants. It discussed the crucial role of medical oxygen in quality healthcare, the consequences of its shortage in health facilities, and required precautions to handle this dangerous yet life-saving essential medicine. However, such comprehensive training is rare in resource-restricted settings. The training will play a role in strengthening health systems throughout Cameroon by refining technical skills among trainees. “For most of our technicians, this is the first time to benefit from a training of this kind, a rare training that we hardly have in our region,” stated Dr. Yauba.

Musenyati Jean Joel, a technical manager from Yaoundé General Hospital and one of the trainees, expressed his gratitude for the training opportunity. “We have a PSA plant, but we did not know how it works. BHI’s training helped us to go into detail to understand different components of PSA plants and what we have to do to maintain it.” Musenyati emphasized that this training will help them change their behavior and improve collaboration with partners thereby ensuring the sustainable maintenance of PSA plants. “It will help us work with our partners, knowing the basics, and sustainably maintain our PSA plant.” BHI’s fundamental training objective is to educate stakeholders to enable them improve the quality of medical oxygen and save more lives.

Following the training, BHI provides continued support through an online community of practice, creating an opportunity for the trainees to support one another and to stay connected. Johnston emphasized the ongoing nature of the relationship with the trained biomedical engineers and technicians, stating, “We look forward to providing additional support through our virtual communities to enable the technicians get all the help they need to improve the quality of patients’ lives.”

Thelma Ahamba works as BHI’s Content Development Manager with the Medical Oxygen team to drive and support content strategies across social media to educate healthcare workers in the space, advocate for equitable healthcare for all, and enlighten more people to make informed decisions regarding their healthcare and making a global impact.

Theogene Ngirinshuti joined BHI’s Medical Oxygen team as a Global Health Program Manager in 2022. Prior to BHI, Theogene worked as a lecturer and student services coordinator at the University of Global Health Equity, an initiative of Partners in Health in Rwanda, that educates global health professionals to deliver equitable and quality health services for all



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Building the foundation for global health equity through design, construction and clinical planning in low-resource settings.