The Second “Value” Lens: People

Chris Caldwell
Build. Lead. Manage.
3 min readMay 27, 2023


Build trust and ease people’s pain. Created by the Author using Midjourney

People are complicated, messy, and unique. This making creating value at scale for a mass market challenging and why it should be easy to create more value between individuals. That’s why it’s crucial to keep asking if you’re solving the right problems in the right ways for the people you’re trying to serve.

The journey towards creating value using the people lens starts by understanding their pain. Understanding people’s pain leads you toward the right problems to solve and where getting to know your customers, team members, and other connected stakeholders can help you create and deliver massive value.

It’s also essential to focus on people rather than things. Teams and startups often dive into new technology, trends, and walk down paths they shouldn’t because they forget that value is created by and for humans. Human psychology, behavior, bias, and beliefs are valuable tools to help explore and discover unique value using the people lens.

Value creation and delivery starts and ends with people.

So how do you create value through the people lens? Here are the three simple steps that form the growth loop for value in any circumstance:

  1. Define who you want to create value for; it could be your ideal customer, direct report, a specific role in the…



Chris Caldwell
Build. Lead. Manage.

The Facilitative Leader — creating aligned, cohesive, innovative, and committed teams