A Day in the Life of a Quarantined Digital Nomad

Spoiler Alert: My work-from-home routine hasn’t changed much since the pandemic, but my income has.

Kristin Wilson


Never work from the couch. Photo: Traveling with Kristin

After more than forty-five days on lockdown, the verdict is in: life hasn’t changed much for people who worked from home before the pandemic (caveat: unless you have kids). Most remote workers still have some income coming in, work all day, and only leave the house when we have to. For better or worse, we’re good at self-isolating.

Digital nomads are part of a small percent of remote workers and online freelancers who travel full-time, but I would argue that our daily routines are pretty similar. After more than ten years as a digital nomad, here’s what a typical day is like for me, including:

  • My daily work-from-home routine;
  • How I make money online;
  • How many hours I work per day;
  • How I stay healthy and productive while working at home;
  • What’s changed for me since the pandemic and what hasn’t;
  • What’s next for those in the digital nomad lifestyle.

First, what is a digital nomad?



Kristin Wilson

100M+ Views | Author of Digital Nomads for Dummies | Host of the Traveling with Kristin Podcast & YouTube Channel https://travelingwithkristin.com/relocation