I started an Etsy shop for passive income….

Rachel Stav
Build Your Wealth
Published in
Mar 25, 2022

I literally just started my own Etsy shop for passive income so that I can support myself through college, and not be in debt by the end of my education.

I am really hoping that this will bring in passive income so that I can be financially independent, and I also enjoy making these funny catchphrases for events like newborn babies, grocery shopping, and new moms.

I am challenging myself to be super consistent with it for a week and see how many sales I can bring in. I will check back in with you guys in exactly a week to see how we did.

So far I designed about seven items and this took me around five hours in total.

Screenshot of what I have listed so far. Image by author.

If you want to check it out here is one of my favorite items!




Rachel Stav
Build Your Wealth

As a young female, I learn a lot and love to write about it. I talk a lot about my own life lessons. Creating content on any platform is a passion of mine. ;)