ERC20 Token Faucet for any testnet: Pre-mapped and Custom Token Address

D Sukh
BuildBear Labs
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2022

No more troubling yourself with the hassle of finding out the richest holder of any ERC20 token, impersonating that account and then doing a mock transaction from the richAccount.

Now get as many ERC20 Tokens you need for testing and test your smart contracts at lightspeed.

Quick Demo on how to use BuildBear’s New ERC20 Token Faucet

  1. Create your own private test node at BuildBear. Refer to this article to get started on BuildBear — Introduction to BuildBear.
  2. Now go to the BuildBear faucet to get your tokens. For this tutorial feel free to use my Private Node Faucet using this link.

Till now you could only get the native token of BuildBear which is BB ETH. But now you can get any ERC20 token related to your ‘Forked From chain’. Simply select your preferred token from the dropdown option, we have listed a few common tokens OR you can also add a custom token by entering the ERC20 token address.

For example, I got 420 DAI tokens on my private test node. See below for the “how”.

Following is a quick demo:

(a) First as you can see, I have 0 DAI Tokens.

(b) Now I am selecting the DAI option from the drop-down menu. The DAI Contract Address is pre-mapped to the address in the Polygon Chain.

(c) I click on “GET ERC20”; that is it!!! In a giffy, the balance of my account on my private testnet will be updated.

Guess what!!! You are NOT restricted to just the pre-mapped addresses. You have the option of custom address as well. Just add that address after selecting the “Custom” address, and if it is a valid ERC20 Token Address, you will get your tokens.

PS: At times, you just have to change your network from buildbear to any other and then back to buildbear for Metamask to show the updated balance.

Please do let us know if you liked this small update from our side and if you did like it, please do drop us a Tweet.

In case you face any issues while working with the Faucet, feel free to reach out to us in the comments.

To learn more about BuildBear, read here docs

Get the above Github code from here

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D Sukh
BuildBear Labs

Builder in the EVM space since 2017; I spend time on getting my hands dirty with almost everything in Solidity and the EVM Space. Student Mentality