Web3 DevTool Review: Taking WakeUp Labs Platform for a Test Drive!

BuildBear Team
BuildBear Labs
Published in
6 min readJan 30, 2023

Web3 space has grown so much today that it cannot be limited to only developers. We cannot expect developers to be the only consumer of web3 technology. There are thousands of digital artists present in this world, who want to create their own NFT collections and share them with the world. To launch such NFT collections they need the support of a tech team to build the entire infrastructure and start minting.

WakeUp Labs solves this problem with its unique API. Users only need to make a straightforward REST API call with all the necessary data. They must register and get an API key before they can begin. This will act as their login information to access WakeUp Labs services. Users can begin minting their assets as soon as they get their API key. Additionally, users can get metadata for an asset as well as minted tokens from a certain address.

Lets dive deeper into the WakeUp Labs Platform and use them to mint our own NFTs!!

Minting an NFT

The practice of creating and issuing unique digital assets on a blockchain is known as NFT (non-fungible token) minting. Digital artwork, collectibles, virtual properties, and in-game goods are all examples of these assets. The process of creating new NFTs is referred to as “minting,” much like how real coins are produced. An NFT can be purchased, sold, and exchanged once it has been minted, just like any other asset.

To use WakeUp Labs API, you first need to login on the WakeUp Labs platform. You can signup/login using your google account as well. Once your account is set up you just need to generate an API key by selecting the option on the left. This API key will work as your access key to use WakeUp Labs services.

Once your API key is created you can go to the Documentation and then to mint NFT or just simply click on this link. Over here you will see a simple platform to mint your own NFT. All you need to do is select the network on which you want to mint, the type of NFT, the address you want to mint to and the metadata of the NFT. I have filled it out like this:

Now just click on “Send API Request” and Voila! Your NFT is minted, you will get the “200 OK” status and the details of the entire transaction.

Now you can use these details to check out the transaction on Polygonscan and also check your NFT in OpenSea. This is the link to my transaction on Polygonscan and this is the link to my OpenSea account and you can see that I have 1 asset with me which is the recent NFT that I minted.

You can see how easy it was to actually mint your own NFT!! You can change the metadata as you like, thus it gives you the freedom to create an NFT for any image and send to your peers. Now let’s try out another feature by WakeUp Labs.

Retrieve NFT

Now that we have minted our own NFT, lets try to find out and verify the metadata. We can do this for the NFT minted by anyone! We will first try with the NFT that I minted and then we also verify the NFT minted by some random user on the web!

For this first go to the “Retrieve NFT” page or use this link. All you need to do here is to just fill the details from your NFT and you will get your meta data. I have filled the details of the NFT that I just minted as follows:

Just click on “Send API Request” now and Voila!

You can see that this meta data matches exactly with the meta data that we filled at the beginning of this article. Now lets step into the real world and play with a random NFT. I went to the OpenSea Testnet website and selection Polygon Mumbai chain. Out of the bunch of NFTs visible, I have chosen this NFT. I will fill in the details in the WakeUp Labs platform.

And again just with a simple click of a button I will get the entire meta data of this NFT.

Just like this there are various other features available at the WakeUp Labs platform which anyone can use without any prior development experience. Personally, using this product was pretty smooth for me, WakeUp Labs provides users with a basic and clear documentation which is very easy to understand. You can even customize your NFT contracts and deploy them according to your requirements.

There are various projects which are already using WakeUp Labs in their daily operations. Some of the projects are Afrus — Utilizes digital collectibles as proof of donors’ contributions through a gamification strategy; Kilimo — Uses digital assets to certify water savings in agriculture to achieve water-neutrality goals; and many more such amazing projects!

Overall it was a great experience interacting with the WakeUp Labs Platform. I hope you were also able to follow my steps and mint your own NFTs. If not then do visit their platform once and try it out, and in case you face any issues please feel free to connect with us in the comments section! Special thanks to the entire WakeUp Labs team for their constant and quick support. They were present at each step to help us solve any problem that we faced. ****

You can learn more about WakeUp Labs here.


Shivam (Twitter || LinkedIn), technical writer BuildBear
BuildBear can be reached at Telegram | Twitter | LinkedIn

About BuildBear:

BuildBear is a platform for testing dApps at scale, for teams. It provides users with their own private testnet to test their smart contracts and dApps, which can be forked from any EVM chain. It also provides a Faucet, Explorer, and RPC for testing purposes.

BuildBear aims to be building an ecosystem for testing dApps at scale for the entire team.



BuildBear Team
BuildBear Labs

BuildBear Team, helping users test their dApps at Scale